Catalog excerpts

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The story of WhizCut Erik Schmidt Founder of WhizCut Like a kid in a machine shop The year is 1946. In a suburb of the Danish capital of Copenhagen Erik Schmidt, 3 years old, is listening to the well known sound of the lathes while helping his father producing lighters. This is where the story of WhizCut actually begins. Where the rhythm of the lathes became as natural as the rhythm of Eriks heart beats. Several school years later, ten thousands of geometry calculations later Erik Schmidt invented the WhizFix toolholder system. WhizCut was founded in 1996 - in Sweden. To this day Erik still...
Open the catalog to page 2
4 Table of content News 5 Technical information WhizCut 10 J-type inserts - WhizCut 12 J-type toolholders - WhizCut 14 Threading/grooving, K-type inserts - WhizCut 17 Backturning, K-type inserts - WhizCut 18 Parting off, K-type inserts - WhizCut 20 K-type toolholders - WhizCut 22 Grooving inserts - WhizGroove 26 Technical information WhizGroove 26 Technical information WhizThread 32 Pipe threads, V-type- WhizThread 34 ACME inserts, full profile - WhizThread 35 T-type toolholders - WhizThread 36 Technical information WhizAdjust 40 Technical...
Open the catalog to page 3
6 Signature toolholders Grades of carbide/stock status 7 Signature toolholders In 15 seconds. From the opposite side. Still in the machine. That is the solution to indexing problems in Swiss type automatics. With the WhizFix patented toolholder you can easily index the insert from the opposite side of the tool-holder - with the holder still in the machine. Grades of carbide WhizCut inserts are made of an extra fine grain carbide with hardness over 1750 Hv. The WhizCut carbide is an extremely hard grade with a high tensile strength and even grain size. Compared to conventional carbides this...
Open the catalog to page 4
EXTERNAL INSERTS & TOOLHOLDERS WhizCut Innovative indexing and high performing inserts. This is how you improve CNC swiss type automatic lathes. WhizCut have tangentially mounted inserts which are ingeniously set at an angle in the tool holder. This gives you the best possible tool life, tight tolerances and smooth surface finish . COST EFFICIENT PERFECT CHIP CONTROL TIME SAVING
Open the catalog to page 5
10 Technical, external toolholders and inserts - WhizCut Front turning/WhizGuide, J-type inserts and toolholders - WhizCut 11 WhizCut - fully ground cutting edges WhizCut standard inserts all have sharp, fully ground cutting edges. The standard inserts are available in a 2, 6, 8, 12, 16 or 20° positive cutting rake - to perform outstanding in every operation. Thanks to this inventive combination WhizCut inserts are up for any material or application challenge. Front turning J-type inserts and toolholders The perfect combination of cutting rakes, shapes, corner executions, chip control and...
Open the catalog to page 6
12 J-type inserts - WhizCut J-type inserts - WhizCut 13 Copy turning Style D, DP, N, NP Style H, J, D, N, V | Inserts for turning, copy turning :Radl°i Cutting rake P - Line | Inserts for turning sticky and exotic materials STOCK PRICE CUTTING RAKE° STOCK PRICE INSERTS L V° R1 R2 C Ax RAD 8M F8 B8 NF8 ND8 GROUP Pic of turning style H, HP, J, JP see page 12. Pic of copy turning D, DP, N, NP see page 12. Pic of profiling style N, NP, V, VP see page 12. RRRRR RRRRR - - - R R RRR--R R R - - RRRRR RRR--R R R - - RRRRR - - - R R RRR--R...
Open the catalog to page 7
14 J-type inserts & toolholders - WhizCut J-type toolholders - WhizCut 15 Style F | Inserts for reverse turning C R1 R2 T F v° CUTTING ST°CK PRICE WPJ | Toolholders with WhizFix pin type clamping Benefits of reverse turning • Higher feed with an improved surface finish. • Clears burrs on sharp corners. • Corner radius protected when turning. • Increased toollife. • Angled cutting edge gives smoother cutting. WSJ | Toolholders with conventional clamping ABJ | WhizAdjust toolholder head TOOLHOLDER H B A C MAX MAX FEED INSERT CLAMPING KEY STOCK PRICE HEAD...
Open the catalog to page 8
16 Radial turning, K-type insert and toolholders - WhizCut Threading/grooving, K-type inserts - WhizCut 17 Style G | Inserts for grooving Radial turning The K-type inserts are designed for back turning, threading, grooving and parting off. WhizCut offers a wide range of inserts for these applications - you can K -type inserts and get the ideal insert for your operation. The K-type insert is slightly tilted in the toolholder, to give enough clearance -while maintaining maximum stability. Style GR | Inserts for radius grooving All angles are shown when mounted in toolholder. K-type...
Open the catalog to page 9
18 Backturning/WhizGuide K-type inserts - WhizCut Backturning, K-type inserts - WhizCut 19 Backturning exceptional results in all materials Get more done - every time. WhizCut back turning inserts are unlike any inserts you have experienced before. Don't accept the hassle that comes with back turning. Eliminate problems, cut cycle times and improve quality with the help of WhizCut. Style B | Inserts for back turning in steel and other hard Succeed with WhizCut B style back turning insert 100% part roundness - WhizCut back turning inserts give minimum radial cutting pressure. Flawless finish...
Open the catalog to page 10
20 WhizGuide/Parting off, K-type inserts - WhizCut Parting off K-type inserts - WhizCut 21 20 WhizGuide/Parting off, K-type inserts - WhizCut Parting off K-type inserts - WhizCut 21 1. Axial relief vs. component possibilities • Style P: 0° gives the strongest tool. Suitable with use of sub spindle. Style PS can be used for extra stability. • Style Y: 6° gives a strong tool but can leave a small nib if a sub spindle is not used. • Style Z: 15° is an all-round parting off insert. It can be used without a sub spindle. • Style S, U: 20-30° is a less strong tool suitable for small parts where a...
Open the catalog to page 11
22 K-type tooihoiders - WhizCut K-type tooihoiders - WhizCut 23 WPK | Tooihoiders with WhizFix pin type clamping TOOLHOLDER H B L f INSERT PRICE GROUP WPK | WhizHip pin type tooihoiders for high pressure coolant TOOLHOLDER H B L f INSERT PLUG NUT" BIT STOCK TRUEf WPK15ER 1010H-2C 10 10 100 10 K15ER M8X1 PIN12 J5 R A82 WSK | Tooihoiders with conventional clamping INSERT SCREW KEY STOCK WSK | WhizHip tooihoiders for high pressure cooiant INSERT PLUG SCREW KEY STOCK WSK | Tooihoiders for small parts TOOLHOLDER...
Open the catalog to page 12All Whizcut of Sweden AB catalogs and technical brochures
244 Pages
104 Pages
Kemmer GripLock 2016
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WhizCut 2013
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Archived catalogs
WhizHip Connect 2017-03
8 Pages
Catalogue whizcut 2016
56 Pages
Catalogue of Kemmer GripLock
226 Pages
WhizCut 2015 Product Catalogue
29 Pages
WhizHip by HEB
8 Pages
WhizCut Catalogue on Threading Tools
24 Pages
Catalogue 835
36 Pages