New Westermo Product Guide


Catalog excerpts

New Westermo Product Guide - 1

MwesTermo Product Guide

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New Westermo Product Guide - 2

Westermo Worldwide... A product range to meet every requirement Westermo provides a M rarig* cdata communication suturions (or oemanong ap plaons such as raitaayx aviation* defence, water treatment, substatKri autorration. roads and tunnel The staff ai Westermo can provfde the higpett levels 0* servfce and tochrKal support to help our cutomers choose» configure and instal the best sowion for each spcifie application rarement Ojr knowledge goes fcr beyond ourown product range; wehave an unique comptence regardrig your envronment at^ther K ts on a trah, in an a驩roplane, on the seabed or h a...

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New Westermo Product Guide - 8

ProAxt'rt M | Description Conntctjvtry MCI-211G * _J Gigibl Ethernet Corverter 1 X Gg**t SFP slot i xionooncrjce^T MCM22 3624-Olxx 2-ehannel Ememet to ffcre meda converter. Mjf´mode or ctnglemode 2x1GY100BueT 2 x 100 MWs s^rnode ports or 2 x 1M MoWs SM*SC30 MDI-110-F3 3624TOOO 1 Dport Managed fatt Ethernet Swtich 71CV100-TX and 3 r>4y SFPcombo porto (1詛Y1C0 BasevTX lOOBwe FX) MDI-11-F3G 3624-0210 11 lO^wrtMu^G^SMtrh 7iai0>TX«ftd3O9tA R^4SfSrP combo porto (1O10yi0CX)Bit^TX lOOBase FX. lOOOBase X) MDM12-F4G 3624 0250 12 port Managed Ggatft S-wlch 8lGۥiTX.2GajabܮtSrP *nd2G«ibitBHVSn> ccjmbopom...

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New Westermo Product Guide - 9

Ethernet Extenders Ethernet Extenders crfow you to ignore the con-ventional Ethernet boundories for copper cable, fly design, o standard Ethernet network bas a transmission Hmit of f 00 mtres (328 fi) over UTP copper coWes* our ethemet extender serrs - the Wofverinet allais you to go much further and on rnony other kinds ofcabte The Woherine-series utilises SHDSL technology on (vWsted pair cobtes to estoblish a higfa-speed remote connection between two Ethemet Networks. <rd fl*nr c(0*t«cti» « lhcn詣** &Kk*d tro駢xto ax tetfniu** amptn*

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New Westermo Product Guide - 10

Extend your network far the normal limits of Ethernet OurVrtxvertie srie* of Ethernet extrieur* alow cost effectue Eth 驩met networks to be crcaed o/rr long distancet al hgh caU ratc The SHOSL techrK*ogy ernptayed makes II possible to reuse many typei of prt-exnﯹtg but redundant cablng. wh*ch could krad to Anancial s**g> Data rates of up to 153 MWs have been achieved over shorter dbtanc« and at tewer dtu raet ever 1 b km have been achieved on cables nearly lOyears oU. The DCW22S and OCW226 use» tteWesterrno VVeOS oprt^ system, already empJoyed in our rane of Redfc* m austral Routirg...

Open the catalog to page 10
New Westermo Product Guide - 11

Remote Access The obSity to crole remote connections to quip驭aient can prcwde campantes great sowngs both in time and money. Not only thi$> bot rmproved customer service can otso bc ofred It is possible to contre/, monitor, update sofware or fruit f»nd irrespecve ofwhere the equiprnent h located by meons ofa simple remote connection. Seing ciWe to connect to a remote server wh/lst working from home or us/ng a ioptop PC when tiweBing mafces for much more efficient ond flexible working conditions for mony support engineers. tf* canauir#. nmeaf' ftro P* «r#tf F<x4fru 0* ih*w ftiftj fictif...

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New Westermo Product Guide - 12

Industral 3G HSUPA Routers Falcon The industrial Broadband router The Falcon h the *crWs flrstVDSL2 router for indystrial ipto bons with an rrtey*ted Ethernet routng Mrtch designed to provklc r^o-way Ngh-speed se<ure comnxr*:atk^ between remote «e* rtuHiif econ<XTiKjl and reloHe ccmccboris to equjpment S4jch as SCACX FtCs. RTUs and VO devlce*. h order to enatole Ethernet ccmn>gnkatbni conwon in the t«est nAidnal VO devkev the Fakcn (eattres an titeff^ted 4 pcrtL^er 3 rcxjtng9*itch haddWonan PS232ponandthebuih*>dev<e server interface can be used to connect legacy seriil devKes, A.DSL viill...

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New Westermo Product Guide - 13

Remote Connection via Tlphone Lines GSM / GPRS Modems The GSM modems provide possibilities to control or monitor equip-ment with a serial interface from a remote location. The DTR signal could be used to trigger an SMS message or a dial-up connection to a pre-programmed number. The GDW-11 485 has RS-232, RS-422/485 serial interfaces. & GSM 900I1800 modem & GPRS, class B, class 10 & Serial interface (RS-232, RS-422I48S) up to 11S kbitIs & DTR triggered -dialling and SMS up to 11 data bits & Speed CSD up to 14.4 kbitls, GPRS up to 8S.6 kbitls & Extended temperature range (-2S°C to +S0°C),...

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New Westermo Product Guide - 14

Leased Line Wireless Solutions Wcstcrroo h*s multiorop modem* both fer pnvate and for fcaved Ire*v 8otti type of modems can be comected to sriai devices with RS-232 or RS422/435 iittrta* The V23 standard whkh h ine onty rrultidrcp lea»ed br« Oandtrd aIoat; ^Mnd up to 1X0 bt/son twoorfcurwtrcMuhioVop apj^i citions on pnVate knes un have $>ee<H up to 192CO but the dkbnccs dpend on the ine ojuafity and the number of oVop points on th驩ine * 2^ »*J <*r» \ U* TiiaimiCT Atone* tpi» 35 ta M55 mi * lÉMMlM^MMM^if^rCei *'0*OP ■ ■ ; v * +r5PF) *V\Sdf «O00 * Gffart «<*oop t«*wi <# mvfcrfl Tht RM-sries...

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New Westermo Product Guide - 15

Fibre Optics fibre Optic cable bas t/ie advantages thot il is completely insensjtwe to etectricot and magnec cfeturbonces. ft is thefo뜜 idal to inslotl os o communication mdia in horsh indu&trid environ* ments k oko prowdes beneftts such as hjgh data rates cver long distances. Oepending on dioice of tronsce驹er and cable (miAtimade I singlemode) dfonces up to80km (497 mi) can be ac/irevd »

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New Westermo Product Guide - 16

Industral Fibre Optic Modems Fibre Optic Solutions for LonWorks® Networks Fbre otK modem* 4n? olten uw) in *U cormxntalion ytfem» to bridge long dttbncet F«gh daU nrtm, Rfcre optic y*temx arc particJwy 'nwwe lo ﮀ*ectrorragr>eVc interfrence and therefcwe very Eurtable for hirsh induttral mnvvnenti Wwtermo products un transmit data at upto 12 Mbt/s over distances up to 80 km (49J mi) dcpendrg on the nfanc type. The COrV-ieritt on be uted n porri-to pont, mutocrco And redondant rrw insLjCattxts bet*«en oevice* wflh «rial ir*«face^ t*rft. fe*** i» M kmp t7 H &*»mn .aVu:*ii r iirfM Th魨se unrfc...

Open the catalog to page 16

All Westermo catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MD-12

    2 Pages

  2. WeConfig

    1 Pages

  3. WeConnect

    4 Pages

  4. PS-30

    2 Pages

  5. MCI-211G

    3 Pages

  6. MCI-422

    3 Pages

  7. MCW-211

    2 Pages

  8. AD-01

    2 Pages

  9. IDW-90

    2 Pages

  10. WeOS

    1068 Pages

  11. L206-F2G

    2 Pages

  12. RFR-212-FB

    2 Pages

  13. RFI-211-T3G

    2 Pages

  14. DDW-142

    5 Pages

  15. sdi-550

    3 Pages

  16. sdi-541

    3 Pages

  17. 730-f1

    2 Pages

  18. westerm

    2 Pages

  19. MRD-350

    3 Pages

  20. MR-270

    3 Pages

  21. MR-210

    3 Pages

  22. MDW-45

    2 Pages

  23. TD-29P

    2 Pages

  24. LD-34

    2 Pages

  25. MM-14

    2 Pages

  26. LA-10

    2 Pages

  27. GDW-11 485

    2 Pages

  28. LD-63B

    2 Pages

  29. DDW-100

    2 Pages

  30. MD-21

    2 Pages

  31. MA-29

    2 Pages

  32. MA-21

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. DDW-242

    2 Pages

  2. PS-100

    3 Pages

  3. weconnect

    4 Pages

  4. MD-12 series

    2 Pages

  5. weconfig

    1 Pages

  6. Lynx

    20 Pages