Catalog excerpts

Midas 320A Dual Spindle SiC OD/Flat/Face Grinder Silicon wafer production cost is greatly reduced with Weldon’s unique multispindle design allowing OD, Flat, & Face grinding in the same operation. A world leader in Silicon Wafer production came to Weldon for solutions to their unique SiC grinding requirements. In this application an angular approach diamond grinding wheel is used to rough grind the OD & finish grind the end face. In the same operation, a sub-spindle with a straight approach diamond wheel is presented to finish grind the OD & generate one or two flats to specific C-axis coordinates. The results are increased productivity, lower production cost, & consistently high quality. System Suppliers: ATS 5C collet chuck, Setco sub-spindle, Spindel frequency inverter, Turmoil spindle chiller, Heidenhain linear & rotary glass scales, & FANUC 32i BT CNC control. Weldon Solutions offers a full line of CNC OD, ID, & combination grinders. As a FANUC Robotics integrator Weldon can also address your machine tending, material removal, material handling, & packaging/palletizing needs. QUALITY, Over and over again. www.weldonsolutions.com - info@weldonsolutions.com 425 East Berlin Road, York, PA 17408 - 717-846-4000 Contact Weldon today to find out how a new CNC grinder can enhance your manufacturing operation, & increase efficiency & profitability 2019 - 1068
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AGN4 OD Tool Room Grinder
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Automated AGN4 Face Grinder
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Midas 320S Bearing Grinder
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