FSE 15


Catalog excerpts

FSE 15 - 1

UJRFIOS Electronic Spring Coiling Machine for the Production of Compression Springs

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FSE 15 - 2

r«j n***J rtfty pan; f-St i & FSE 15 Design Features Our Otter - Your Benefrt Machine Construction Clear machine structure wlth mlrimized foolpflnt Modem machine opration wlth 4-7 CNC axes NEW: Direct drive on Infeed. sftape axis and eut tor In creased prcision and throughput NEW: Electronic Jog wheel for comfortaDle and sale set-up ot the machine and sprtngs Powerf ul single pair of infeed rollers (2nd pair optional) NEW: Optirrased accessCll驯ty due to fewer obstacles for measurement camras Advantage: Smaller sprlngs can be measured Rlgld 2-flngerwlndlng devtce tor minimal production...

Open the catalog to page 2
FSE 15 - 3

UJRFIOS Modularit Prcision and Cost Effectiveness - FlexlDIllty Is trump D驩signe) tor the production of Ngh-precls»on compression springswth small diametefs, the WAFIOS FSE 15 provides an economlcaJ alternative for the production of ail common types of compression springs. The modutar machine concept alows the Inavldual confi鮭guration of equipment to match the production of a wtde vartety of parts. The FSE 15 can De upgraded to suit any appllcatbn requlrement, be it handlng, operalor comfort, or, for example wlth an opOcal analyste System lor zero error production. The mlnimlsed space...

Open the catalog to page 3
FSE 15 - 4

WRFIOS □ Toc h nie al data 4 FSE 15 WIredta. (Rm 2.600 Nrtnm5) (Wth wortoxj range extension) ca0,12- 0,6 rrm (up to ca, 0,8 mm) Sprlng dtameter (max.) 20 mm In-teed speed (max.) 150 m/mln. Output rate (max.) 750 pcsTmln ■ Dimensions LxWxH (no pay-off) 900 x 900x1,700 mm Welght ca. 700 kg J. WAFIOS AG SilberDurgstraBe 5 72764 Reutllngen, G^many Tel. +49 71 21 14 60 Fax+49 71 21 4912 09 www.wanos.de salQS@wattos.de Pression maschlrery for wfre arxl tifie PUum rt»y dm irom agmad mxwtf dotay - AQK! h>incmctf <fWiQa( OWFK6AC2010

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