Catalog excerpts

DEW POINT SENSORS Safeguard your system
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Maintaining the dew point of your air or gas system will prolong the lifetime of your equipment and reduce maintenance costs. For dew points related to production processes, guarding the dew point is critical for the end product and key in preventing costly production losses. Permanent monitoring enables you to detect and prevent problems quickly, and may provide visibility that a change in dew point is capacity or maintenance related.
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VPInstruments' dew point sensors are designed for ease of use, incorporating all the features needed to make installation and operation as simple as possible. Our solutions cover all dew point monitoring applications for industrial gases and compressed air dryers (refrigerant and desiccant). The calibrated sensors can be instantly incorporated into VPVision or your own management system. Application examples: > Monitoring compressed air quality of refrigerant and desiccant type air dryers > Point-of-use dew point measurement > Permanent measurement > Guard critical processes e.g. in the...
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Sampling blocks Protect your dew point sensor from fouling and failure by using a sampling block, e.g. for protection against a high process temperature, against water spikes, and for ease of servicing. Moreover, sampling blocks are manufactured from a single, machined stainless steel block, reducing the number of pipe joints, internal volume and surface area. As a result, the sampling system has a faster response and higher integrity. VPInstruments sampling blocks can be fitted with a needle valve or silencer, depending on the model, to regulate the optimum gas flow for the sensor. We...
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The VP Dew Point Sensor is the complete dew point sensor for all your measurement applications. The sensor is robust and smart with its autocalibration functionality. With both 4..20 mA and RS485 (Modbus RTU) outputs, you can connect the sensor to VPVision or other management systems. Built-in alarm function Prevent dryer failure, water carry over or production losses: set an alarm and make it visible in your management system. With the unique, programmable alarm LED on the VP Dew Point Sensor itself, your alarm is visible directly in the work place. Failure proof The sensor fully...
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USB Service Cable VPA.8000.1511 Makes configurating your VP Dew Point Sensor easy CAT-VP-DEW-EN-1900 | 7
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The requirements for dew point in a compressed air system are completely dependent on your business and your factory circumstances. Here are some application examples. Transport in paint and pharmaceutical factories Compressed air is used in the transportation of products like paint powder or, in a pharmaceutical factory, powder for pills. Dew point is very critical, since any water can dampen the powder. This can affect final product quality and can even allow fungal growth, resulting in loss of end-product. Routing of piping in all seasons Compressed air piping is often routed outdoors....
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Dew Point Sensor - Extreme Dry Air For extreme dry air applications, we recommend the Dew Point Sensor -Extreme Dry Air with its measurement range as low as -100 °C / -148 °F. Product highlights: > 2-wire loop powered connection > Dew point or ppm moisture content > IP65 (NEMA 4) > Fast response time
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Filter for sampling block The sampling block with filter (VPA.8000.1550) comes with integrated particulate filter. The 99.5% 0.3-micron particulate filter provides further protection against solid contamination. Monitor the dew point, together with flow and pressure and more with the VPVision monitoring system. VPVision is the complete real time energy monitoring solution for all utilities within your company. Get insight into your usage and see the patterns on your supply and demand side. Have the data needed to take factual and well-founded decisions on your costs and investments. Reveal...
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Monitor your dew point locally with the External Display 420. The display is available with 2 optional built-in alarm relays, which can be used to trigger an external alarm, for example via your BMS/ SCADA system. The display has one port to read out one dew point sensor at the time. The External Display 420 is compatible with all VPInstruments dew point sensors. ORDER CODES EXTERNAL DISPLAY 420 VPA.8000.1513 External Display 420 with alarm relay
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Corporate Headquarters VPInstruments Buitenwatersloot 335 2614 GS Delft The Netherlands T +31 (0)15 213 15 80 info@vpinstruments.com www.vpinstruments.com USA Marketing & Sales office T +1 614 729 81 35 sales@vpinstruments.com UK Marketing & Sales office T +44 (0)3333 661100 sales@vpinstrumentsuk.co.uk INSTRUMENTS Order today! Please contact your local distributor for the various options and possibilities or contact us at www.vpinstruments.com
Open the catalog to page 12All VPInstruments catalogs and technical brochures
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