Quantum Series Catalogue
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Quantum Series Catalogue - 1


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Quantum Series Catalogue - 2

VA LV E S O L U T I O N S F O R D R Y B U L K P R O C E S S I N G > > > For 35 years, Vortex has supplied dry material Each Vortex valve is appropriately selected to meet the handling valves to a global network of Original demands in every application. With an in-house team of Equipment Manufacturers, Fortune 500 companies, engineers, Vortex valves can be completely customized and process engineering firms. Throughout the for individual applications or special installations. Vortex world, over 10,000 factories have utilized Vortex’s understands the value of your process. Our technical...

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 3

VALVES FOR DRY BULK PROCESSING & CONVEYING Vortex Quantum Series slide gates and diverters are the valves our customers have been using for years to shut off, meter, & divert their dry bulk material. It is our traditional line used for dry bulk processing through gravity flow or pneumatic (pressure or vacuum) conveying. ORIFICE GATE SEAL TITE DIVERTER ROLLER GATE FLEX TUBE DIVERTER CLEAR ACTION GATE MAINTENANCE GATE FILL PASS DIVERTER HAND SLIDE ORIFICE GATE MULTI-PORT DIVERTER PNEUMATIC SYSTEM GRAVITY SYSTEM IRIS VALVE

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 4

VfllVSS FOR CRY ILLS TIOCESSIHG 6 CONVEYING The Vortex Quantum Qrifice Gate is specifically engineered to handle dry bulk solids in gravity flow, dilute phase, or vacuum conveying systems with pressures up to 15 psig (1 barg). Traditional slide gates and butterfly valves commonly allow packing of material which prevents positive air and material shutoff. ^ DILUTE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING (Pressure orVacuum) □ DENSE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING $7}]\ Handles powders, granules Mechanically self cleans on opening stroke No pinch points or exposed moving parts for safe operation Wear compensating...

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 5

Shim removal for seal adjustment while valve is in-line Blade adjustment through front access panel Mechanically self cleans on opening stroke 250mm Quantum Orifice Gate handling cement powder Hand crank Quantum Orifice Gate with and ANSI flange 300mm Quantum Orifice Gate handling polyethylene resin powder For a complete list of specifications, modifications, dimensional drawings and measurements, visit WWW.VORTEXVALVES.COM ORIFICE GATE VORTEX VALVES

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 6

The Vortex Roller Gate is the best choice for handling dry material in gravity flow applications. This gate is available in a wide vareity of configurations including rectangular sizes and customer specific hole patterns. It ha live-loaded seals that extend service life by compensating for wear. These seals provide an excellent material seal accross the gate and to atmosphere. They can also be replaced while the valve is in-line. GRAVITY FLOW DILUTE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING DENSE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING Handles powders, granules and pellets Positive seal of dust and fine powders Wear...

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 7

DUAL CYLINDER The bonnet seals can be replaced while in-line to decrease downtime A special service inlet can be added to deflect material away from seals and rollers to reduce wear Top blade seal & cam adjustable rollers supply smooth linear actuation and in-line adjustments 325mm Roller Gate below a screw conveyor 150mm Roller Gate below hopper handling flour 650mm Dual Cylinder Roller Gate SINGLE CYLINDER For a complete list of specifications, modifications, dimensional drawings and measurements, visit WWW.VORTEXVALVES.COM ROLLER GATE VORTEX VALVES

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 8

Designed to address higher-pressure applications up to 75 psig (5barg) depending on size, the Vortex HDPV2 sets itself apart from traditional industry slide gates. The rising blade design provides positive material shut-off by means of an O-ring seal on the inlet of the valve. This design feature eliminates the issues related to packing or material causing abrasion to the end seal. GRAVITY FLOW DILUTE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING DENSE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING Designed to handle abrasive and sticky materials Seals fine material in higher aeration or pressure applications Patented rising blade...

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 9

The air purge is used to pressurize the bonnet and keep material in the flow stream Lifting lugs and inserts provide a positive seal and prevent metal-on-metal contact 400mm HDP above airlock handling calcium oxide 300mm HDP above and below a pressure pot handling PRB coal and wood chips The silicone blade seal is recessed to protect it from material flow and to reduce wear For a complete list of specifications, modifications, dimensional drawings and measurements, visit WWW.VORTEXVALVES.COM VORTEX VALVES

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 10

The Vortex Clear Action Gate is designed for use in gravity flow or pneumatic conveying systems up to 15 psig (1 barg) depending on size. Mounted horizontally, the machined squareedged blade of this gate mechanically clears the material from the sealing surfaces on each closing cycle allowing it to dishcarge beneath the valve. Open cavities where material collects in traditional gate valves have been eliminated with the square blade and seal design. GRAVITY FLOW DILUTE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING DENSE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING F E A T U R E S Handles powders, granules and pellets...

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 11

Slotted end seal to eliminate material packing upon closing stroke Replaceable bonnet seals allow for in-line maintenance Air purge ports are used to reduce material migration between replaceable seals 250mm Clear Action Gate below hopper handling animal feed additives 300mm Clear Action Gate above a rotary valve handling calcium carbonate with optional pre-wired terminal box For a complete list of specifications, modifications, dimensional drawings and measurements, visit WWW.VORTEXVALVES.COM CLEAR ACTION GATE VORTEX VALVES

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Quantum Series Catalogue - 12

The Vortex Maintenance Gate is designed to shut off material from a hopper or silo when maintenance of downstream equipment is required. In the open position, it positively seals conveying air and material to atmosphere. The hand crank gearing is designed to close through material in case of an upset condition. GRAVITY FLOW DILUTE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING DENSE PHASE PNEUMATIC CONVEYING Handles powders, granules and pellets Self-cleaning action on closure eliminates material build-up Unobstructed opening Seals protected from blast abrasion Serviceable while in-line Narrow profile Material...

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