Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Tekstkdshglkdfhg k hkjshg ksqhfgkusqhdflkjhsdkfjh gqs Sadef has more than 20 years of experience in steelbuilding components and is now offering new solutionsfor load bearing floor systems. > ● Applications & avantages > ● Anwendungen & Vorteile > ● Toepassingen & Voordelen > ● Dimensionnement des poutres > ● Entwurf des Haupttrgers > Producteur international reconnu dlments lgers assemblage rapide pour la construction, > SADEF vous offre dsormais de nouvelles solutions pour lossature des planchers. Als ein seit mehreren Jahrzehnten international ttigerProduzent von leichten und...
Open the catalog to page 2Prefabricated building concept - Concept de constructions prfabriques - Vorfabriziertes Aufbaukonzept - Prefab opbouw Design:page 22 - 33Etude technique Entwurf:S.22 - 33 Ontwerp The ideal and fast way of building, using well enginee-red and industrially produced components. They canbe assembled as a kit of parts, and, if requiredeasily dis-mantled. Mthode de construction idale et rapide pour tous vosprojets, mettant en oeuvre des composants industriels flexibles et dmontables, qui seront assemblscomme un jeu de construction. > APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES Ideale schnelle Baumethode fr all...
Open the catalog to page 3Adding a storey - Surlvation - Aufbau - Optoppen Sadef building components are lightweight and user friendly. Building sites with limited access are no longer a problem. Even without a crane ! Existing foundations can be used. > APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES Les lments de construction en acier, lgers et facilesmonter,vous permettent de construire mme sur dessites difficiles daccs sans moyens de levage particu-liers.Ces constructions nencessitent gnralementaucune fondation supplmentaire. > Design:page 22 - 33Etude techniqueEntwurf:S.22 - 33Ontwerp Leichte und montagefreundliche...
Open the catalog to page 4Profile connection lugs are made by a unique production process. This means: no cleats, only 50 % of the bolts and a fast and cost effective assembly. > APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES Poutre-Haupttrger-Hoofdligger Solive - Quertrger - Tussenligger Seul le processus de fabrication > SADEF permet dint-grer un procd dassemblage dans les profils - Ainsi enliminant les pices de connexion et en diminuant de moitile nombre de boulons, on construit plus vite et des prix matriss. > Der > SADEF Produktionsprozess integriert in einmaligerWeise die Verbindungsmglichkeiten in die Profile. Durch das...
Open the catalog to page 5APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES
Open the catalog to page 6nT,w [dB] Symbole Ref.ISO 140-3,4 Symbol Ref.ISO 717-1 Symbool Transmission ofairborne sounds such as speech,songs or music will belimited by insulation.High values indicate an improved wellbeing.Typical requirements are D Symbol L > nT,w [dB] Symbole Ref.ISO 140-6,7 Symbol Ref.ISO 717-2 Symbool Transmission ofimpact sounds (footsteps) is limited by impact sound insula-tion.Low values indicate an improved wellbeing.Typical requirements are L Natural frequencies Frquence de rsonanceFr [Hz]EigenfrequenzEigenfrequentieWalking,dancing or playing on floors will cause them to...
Open the catalog to page 7APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES Stainless steeladjustable wall tie Cavity barrier Single or double layer of 12.5 mmPlasterboard Weatherproofbreather membrane Single or double layer of 12.5 mmPlasterboardExternal board Omega profileSADEF - MAIN BEAM OSB - board continued under stud wallSADEF - JOIST Rsistance au feu - Brandschutzzeit Protection incendie - BrandschutzBrandweerstandBrandbescherming 12.5 mm plasterboard,single layered > plaque de pltre 12.5 mm,simple12.5 mm Gipskartonplatte,einfach 12.5 mm gipskartonbeplating,enkel12.5 mm plasterboard,double layered > plaque de pl⒢tre 12.5...
Open the catalog to page 8That steel is the most suitable material for recycling: used steel is no waste, it is the raw material for new steel. It can be recycled time and again, without deterioration of quality Lacier est un matriau recyclable par excellence: lacier usag nest pas un dchet, cest la matire premire pour un nouvel acier. Lacier peut tre recycl infiniment sans perte de qualit. > . Stahl das am besten recycelbare Baumaterial ist.Benutzter Stahl ist kein Abfall, sondern Grundstoff frneuen Stahl.Es kann immer wieder recycelt werden ohne Qualittsverlust. Nearly all steel is reused: some 435 million tons a...
Open the catalog to page 9SADEF profiles for floorelements will connect tovarious types of columns. Apertures for staircases andservice holes can be accomodated. > APPLICATIONS & ADVANTAGES Les profils SADEF pour les planchers se con-nectent facilement sur divers types de poteaux. Lamnagement de trmies dans le plancher ainsi que des perages dans les profils pour le passage deconduits sont possibles. > SADEF -Profile fr Deckenelemente schliesseneinfach an diverse Typen von Sttzen an.Beliebige Treppenffnungen und Leitungsdurch-fhrungen sind mglich. De SADEF profielen voor vloerelementen sluitenvlot aan op diverse...
Open the catalog to page 10Table de dimensionnement Entwurfstabelle - Ontwerptabel Porte de la solive - 䩜berspannung QuertrgerOverspanning Tussenligger J Deflection limit Porte de la solive - 䩜berspannung QuertrgerOverspanning Tussenligger J Porte de la solive - berspannung Quertr霤gerOverspanning Tussenligger J Porte de la solive - berspannung Quertr霤gerOverspanning Tussenligger J Deflection limit > 3,03,64,24,85,46,06,67,2**************** JOIST 3,03,64,24,85,46,06,67,2**************** e Solive-Quertrger-Tussenligger Σ 200 Σ 200 > Σ+ 220 Σ+ 220 > Σ+ 250 Σ+ 250 > Σ+ 300 C170 Σ+ 300C170 > Σ+ 350 Σ+ 350 > Porte de la...
Open the catalog to page 20All Voestalpine Sadef catalogs and technical brochures
Solar Steel Profiles
52 Pages
Custom made steel profiles
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New catalogue
24 Pages