The energy economy guide for futureproof and efficient heating systems


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The energy economy guide  for futureproof and efficient heating systems - 1

The energy economy guide for futureproof and efficient heating systems

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The energy economy guide  for futureproof and efficient heating systems - 3

Secure prospects with futureproof heating systems Climate protection and the futureproof supply of affordable energy are the greatest challenges of our time as fossil fuel resources are nite. Each year we consume as much of them as were created in one million years. Energy consumption worldwide has doubled since 1970 and will triple by 2030. At around 40 percent, the heating market actually accounts for the largest proportion of energy consumption in Germany. This is where great potential energy savings can be achieved, as only around one heating system in ve is state of the art. Replacing...

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The energy economy guide  for futureproof and efficient heating systems - 5

The energy economy guide at a glance Comprehensive and objective information is essential when deciding on a new heating system. The Viessmann range of products and services has everything you need. Introduction Responsible heating with Viessmann Viessmann's innovative system solutions enable you to heat responsibly, because using highly efficient heating equipment not only shrinks your energy bills, it also actively protects the environment. 3 % Discovering and utilising savings potential First the heating system, then insulation A detached or two-family house can be modernised for energy...

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Responsible heating with Viessmann Dwindling resources and global climate change present the world with enormous challenges. Viessmann, with its leading technology, is prepared and ready to play its part. Scientists and politicians agree that the rise in global temperature compared with the pre-industrial age must not exceed two degrees Celsius if climate change, with its uncontrollable consequences, is to be prevented. To achieve this, CO2 emissions must be at least halved by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. Yet these have risen by around 50 percent to date. Enormous energy savings potential...

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Potential household energy savings Modernising pays for itself: Energy consumption in the average household Lighting Household appliances 1 % 7 % Domestic hot water 8 % Car 35 % In the average household, 57 percent of energy consumption is accounted for by central heating and domestic hot water heating. Here, modernisation is a particularly viable way of reducing energy

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From energy consumer to energy saver – by simply replacing your old boiler Replacing your old boiler with a futureproof condensing boiler offers the most rapid payback and reduces energy bills by up to 30 percent. In the average household, some 35 percent of energy consumption is attributable to the motor car. The constant rise in price is clear to see at the nation's pumps, resulting in a noticeable strain on domestic budgets. By now, many people have also become aware of unnecessary power consumption caused by lights and appliances left on standby. And yet this wastage only accounts for...

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Replacing the heating system Energetisch sanieren. Die Preise \m 0\ ui\ti Gas steigen, zum Jahreswechset grevten neue MQ\- schriften - und Berlin stellt Steueter\e\cV»\evuv\geu in Aussicht. Hochste Zeitfur \mmota\Vienhes\\.ze\, sich dam it zu beschattigen, wie s\e "\bt Haus a\rt den neuesten Stand bringen. Doch Vorsicht: Nicht alles, lohnt sich auch

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Modernising your heating system offers the greatest potential for reducing costs Independent research has proven that installing an advanced boiler is a far better strategy than taking individual measures to insulate the building. The German inspection organisation, DEKRA, compared a detached house to an apartment building (see adjacent table) and came to the conclusion that modernising a heating system with condensing technology offered by far the most economical and energy efficient solution. First replace your heating system, then insulate the building Viability of modernisation measures...

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V Values for this test report are a all within the "green range". N Nevertheless, they allow only limited c conclusions to be drawn regarding t the efficiency of the heating system.

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The test result in the ue gas inspection report makes no assessment of the efficiency of the heating system High boiler water and ue gas temperatures are unmistakable evidence of the fact that an outdated heating system is uneconomical. In Germany, around 18 million heating systems are in use. Of these, just 20 percent are state of the art. With the majority of these uneconomical systems, up to 30 percent of valuable energy disappears up the chimney. The test report merely documents the correct combustion of oil and gas The ue gas inspector's test report only documents at regular intervals...

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Energy Economy Check Energy Economy Check as an app on the iPhone The Energy Economy Check can be Currently only available in German. The result demonstrates the cost carried out online at any time using savings that would result from your computer. Potential savings are modernisation with a new boiler. displayed immediately. Currently only available in German.

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Counter constantly rising heating bills – the Energy Economy Check brings clarity A few clicks on a PC or on your smartphone are enough to determine how viable modernisation of an old heating system would be. The Energy Economy Check from Viessmann can tell you how much energy can be saved with an oil/gas condensing boiler, a pellet boiler or a heat pump. The program only requires a few inputs to complete the automatic calculation. You can nd this Economy Check on the home page. Step 2: Energy savings The online calculator estimates the possible energy savings for older...

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Energy sources and heating systems

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The energy economy guide  for futureproof and efficient heating systems - 17

Overview of energy sources and heating systems Those looking for a new type of heating system have many options to choose from. This overview of the different heating systems, energy sources and their relative advantages is designed to provide some clarity. You don't always have a free choice when deciding upon an energy source for heating. Availability or local authority regulations can exclude specic energy sources. Therefore, the earlier you contact your local Viessmann heating expert about what restrictions there might be, the better. Your quickest route to locating your local trade...

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