Scientific testing devices


Catalog excerpts

Scientific testing devices - 1


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Scientific testing devices - 4

tenibaC egarotS lacimehC rellitsiD retaW dooH emuF htaB dnaS etalP toH nevO ecanruF elffuM dloM reiletahC eL htaB retaW reiletahC eL enialB leunaM taciV leunaM serP telleP eciveD gnitseT noisserpmoC tnemeC rebmahC citamilC tenibaC gniruC-erutsioM tnemeC sdloM mzirP elbaT gnitloJ elbaT wolF tnemeC taciV citamotuA rexiM ratroM tnemeC lliM llaB lliM orbiV rehsurC waJ retseT )muludneP( tcapmI dozI & yprahC enihcaM gnitseT gnidneB-noisserpmoC-elisneT ciluordyH enihcaM gnitseT gnidneB-noisserpmoC-elisneT lacinahcemortcelE

Open the catalog to page 4
Scientific testing devices - 6

VECTOR offers solutions suitable for your special designs. We work with you to research and develop new products, methods, processes and procedures, software activities based on new and original designs. In many countries around the world, we produce not only robust and high quality products, but also digital, smart and life-enhancing solutions for our customers. Our research and development department includes product design and software activities by designing new systems and applications, as well as technology-oriented and technical activities that provide scientific and technological...

Open the catalog to page 6
Scientific testing devices - 7

seireS alseT retseT gnidneB – noisserpmoC – elisneT lacinahcemortcelE

Open the catalog to page 7
Scientific testing devices - 8

.0102 :871 OSI NE ST ,1-725 OSI NE 1-8931 ST ,1-2986 OSI NE ST ,105-30A RONFA .12215 NID ,4E MTSA ,1-0057 OSI :sdradnatS seireS alseT retseT gnidneB – noisserpmoC – elisneT lacinahcemortcel

Open the catalog to page 8
Scientific testing devices - 9

erawdraH eciveD tinU rewoP seireS alseT retseT gnidneB – noisserpmoC – elisneT lacinahcemortcel

Open the catalog to page 9
Scientific testing devices - 10

)Wk( rewoP )gk( thgieW )HxDxW( )mm( snoisnemiD )mm( thdiW nemicepS tseT xaM )mm(htgneL nemicepS tseT xaM deepS elbatsujdA edoM llortnoC deepS hgiiH edoM ortnoC deepS hg H egnaR tnemerusaeM noitamrofeD noituloseR daoL ycaruccA noitagnolE ))retemesnotxe eht fo ellacs llatot eht fo 0011% - 11% ro(( %11± < retemesnotxe eht fo e acs atot eht fo 00 % - % ro % ± < ycaruccA daehssorC egnaR gnidaoL seireS alseT retseT gnidneB – noisserpmoC – elisneT lacinah

Open the catalog to page 10
Scientific testing devices - 11

seireS alseT retseT gnidneB – noisserpmoC – elisneT lacinahcemortcelE

Open the catalog to page 11
Scientific testing devices - 12

retseT gnidneB – noisserpmoC – elisneT lacinahcemortcelE seireS alseT erawtfoS & noitcelloC ataD The software allows the entry of sample size, height, diameter and measurement length and the user can then command START. The calculated section of the samples informs the user about the density of the material before the test. The software continuously refreshes the load, voltage and elongation percentages until breakage occurs. When the experiment is finished, the pour point is calculated and appears on the screen. Each report contains groups of 24 samples in which 14 different sections are...

Open the catalog to page 12
Scientific testing devices - 13

enihcaM gnitseT elisneT ciluardyH seireS alseT

Open the catalog to page 13
Scientific testing devices - 14

.0102 :871 OSI NE ST 1-725 OSI NE 1-8931 ST ,1-2986 OSI NE ST ,105-30A RONFA ,12215 NID ,4E MTSA ,1-0057 OSI :sdradnatS seireS alseT enihcaM gnitseT elisneT ciluardyH

Open the catalog to page 14
Scientific testing devices - 15

)mm(htgneL nemicepS tseT xaM )mm( thdiW nemicepS tseT xaM deepS elbatsujdA edoM lortnoC deepS hgiH egnaR tnemerusaeM noitamrofeD noituloseR daoL ycaruccA daehssorC )retemesnotxe eht fo elacs latot eht fo 001% - 1% ro( %1± < eulav 5.0%± ≤ nihtiW ycaruccA noitagnolE ycaruccA seireS alseT enihcaM gnitseT elisneT cilu

Open the catalog to page 15
Scientific testing devices - 16

erawdraH eciveD tinU rewoP seireS alseT enihcaM gnitseT elisneT ciluardyH

Open the catalog to page 16
Scientific testing devices - 17

dozI & yprahC isireS notweN

Open the catalog to page 17
Scientific testing devices - 18

dozI & yprahC isireS notweN seirosseccA niaM Pendulum (capacity must be specified) Sample centering table (V) Security cabinet (half closed) seirosseccA lanoitpO Aluminum alloy full enclosed security cabinet ASTM E23 striking edge (R8mm) Anvils and pendulums required for Charpy, Izod and tensile impact testing Temperature chamber for impact samples Notching device for impact samples Freezer for impact samples

Open the catalog to page 18
Scientific testing devices - 19

snoitacificepS lacinhceT neercS-hcuoT citamotuA lluF

Open the catalog to page 19
Scientific testing devices - 20

lliM orbiV neercS-hcuoT citamotuA lluF The device cover is equipped with air shock absorbers and thanks to the protective switch system, the device automatically stops when the front cover is opened for any reason. snoitacificepS lacinhceT EN

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Scientific testing devices - 21

snoitacificepS lacinhceT tenibaC ytefaS defoorpdnuoS lliM llaB

Open the catalog to page 21
Scientific testing devices - 22

seveiS enihplA dellortnoC retupmoC cimotuA lluF

Open the catalog to page 22
Scientific testing devices - 23

retliF enialB dnatS noisserpmoC kluB dnaS noitarbilaC seirosseccA enialB enialB citamotuA

Open the catalog to page 23
Scientific testing devices - 24

metsyS noitartliF dnaS citamotuA lluF rexiM ratroM tnemeC

Open the catalog to page 24
Scientific testing devices - 25

taciV citamotuA 21 dna 6 ,elgniS EN 13279-2 (GYPSUM), EN 480-2, EN 196-3 ASTM C187, ASTM C191 DIN 1168, DIN 1196 NF P15-414, NF P15-431 AASHTO T131

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Scientific testing devices - 26

snoitpO citamotuA dna launaM htiW elbaT wolF tnemeC

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Scientific testing devices - 27

elbaT gnitlioJ elaT leetS tenibaC noitalosI

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Scientific testing devices - 28

eguaG reparcS - redaerpS dloM ebuC tnemeC noitceS eerhT dloM msirP tnemeC noitceS eerhT dloM egaknirhS tnemeC sdloM msirP

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Scientific testing devices - 29

sdloM leetS 42 sdloM msirP 069 dellortnoC retupmoC citamotuA lluF tenibaC gniruC-erutsioM tnemeC

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Scientific testing devices - 30

snoitacificepS lacinhceT rebmahC citamilC

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Scientific testing devices - 31

eciveD gnitseT noisserpmoC tnemeC

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Scientific testing devices - 32

snoiitaciifiicepS llaciinhceT sno tac f cepS ac nhceT dellortnoC neercS-hcuoT sserP telbaT citamotuA lluF sserP telleP

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Scientific testing devices - 33

taciV leunaM eniiallB lleunaM en a B eunaM 3511T OTHSAA ,,402C MTSA ,,6-6911 NE ST 35 T OTHSAA 402C MTSA 6-69 NE ST It is used to determine the grain fineness of powdersized materials such as Portland cement, lime, etc. as a specific surface. Blaine Air Permeability Device is supplied with: U manometer tube, Manometer fluid, 250 ml Test stand, Rubber ball.

Open the catalog to page 33
Scientific testing devices - 34

htaB retaW reiletahC eL tL 84 ,tL 03 ,tL 51 ,tL 6 VTR Series Water Bath designed for use in many general and special applications in microbiology, research and industrial laboratories. It provides the best liquid temperature control for homogeneous heat distribution and constant temperature. snoitacificepS lacinhceT dloM reiletahC eL EN

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Scientific testing devices - 35

snoitacificepS lacinhceT nevO vutE reziliretS Easily cleaned electrostatic painted outer body, complex stainless steel inner chamber. Oven shelves made of stainless steel can be easily installed and the height of the shelves can be adjusted. Operating temperature value: 300 °C Sensor reading resolution: 0.1 °C Special production is made in desired sizes. 50 - 120 - 250 - 750 - 1000 liters.

Open the catalog to page 35

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