Catalog excerpts

MODULES – FROM SKETCH TO PRODUCT The origin is an idea, a vision, or an existing project. VAT defines a module as an assembly of vacuum valves and other vacuum components in a customer-specific housing. Each module creates a value proposition for the customer, the end user, the suppliers, and VAT. FOCUSING ON CORE COMPETENCES VAT’s engineering and manufacturing competence in vacuum enables your team to focus more on your core competences in process and system design. For quick-turn product development, VAT’s global engineering staff performs multi-shift runs in close cooperation with your global locations. EFFICIENT & COST OPTIMIZED HIGH PURITY PROGRAM Simplify your logistics and streamline your assembly processes. Reduce the complexity of your supply chain by consolidating several BOMs to one part number. VAT’s efficient and cost effective procurement processes enable ship-to-line concepts, allow warehouse optimization, and reduce working capital. Utilizing best-practices from machining to packaging, VAT is able to manufacture, assemble, test, and package in ISO Class 6. Workflows and cleaning processes are documented and strictly monitored. VAT is able to utilize in-situ monitoring of particles, while parts are cleaned to specification. Individual parts Module: only one part number
Open the catalog to page 1
MINIMIZED FOOTPRINT Integration of our valve housings into a common monolithic design reduces weight, size, number of o-rings, vacuum surface area, and volume. This can lead to a significant footprint reduction. A minimized footprint enables cost savings beyond the integration of the valves. As an example, a reduction of the robot reach may allow use of a smaller handler, which saves significant costs in robotics. INTEGRATED VALVES BOLT-ON VALVES Pump-down bolt-on vs. integrated valve Integrated valve – 19 % Reduction in volume – 22 % Reduction in pump time IMPROVED THROUGHPUT Reduction in...
Open the catalog to page 2
MODULES PRODUCT PORTFOLIO VAT Modules competences are in design, development, and optimization of vacuum chamber assemblies. Each customized module is exclusively designed for and sold to one single customer. Your benefits: Experience collected on an installed base of more than 10,000 modules ensures that you get the best design solution for your project. SINGLE / DUAL-SLOT AND BATCH LOAD LOCK WAFER TRANSFER CHAMBERS Load lock chambers are designed to meet your performance requirements. Slot sizes range from reticles to wafers to display substrates. Transfer chambers are designed to...
Open the catalog to page 3All VAT Vakuumventile AG catalogs and technical brochures
271 series
2 Pages
752 series
4 Pages
590 series
4 Pages
230 series
2 Pages
191 series
8 Pages
172 series
8 Pages
HV angle valve
4 Pages
Large door L-VAT
2 Pages
Rectangular valve FlapVAT
2 Pages
Atmospheric door L-VAT
4 Pages
All-metal gate valve
8 Pages
Large gate valves (V)
6 Pages
HV gate valve
8 Pages
HV gate valve with Bellows
8 Pages
4 Pages
9 Pages
6 Pages
10 Pages
080 - Insertable gate valve
4 Pages
Large Transfer valve
2 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Transfer valve
6 Pages
6 Pages
10 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
VAT Catalogue 2012
234 Pages