Catalog excerpts

Butterfly valve control system with extended control range Downstream pressure control and isolation valve Compact design Fast operation High-performance, integrated controller Low minimum controllable conductance Body material aluminum hard anodized or stainless steel Valve with integrated controller Ordering numbers aluminum hard anodized stainless steel optional controller configurations SPS = ± 15V DC Sensor Power Supply PFO = Power Failure Option (valve closes or opens automatically at power failure) basic version with SPS with PFO with SPS and PFO Example: 61534-KHGE = aluminum valve, hard anodized, with ISO-KF DN 50 flanges, logic interface, for 2 sensors 1) G = RS232 H = RS232 C = Logic E = Logic P = DeviceNet ® Q = DeviceNet ® D = Profibus F = Profibus 2) 1) J = RS485 1 K = RS485 2 Y = Ethernet 1 Z = Ethernet 2 L = CC-Link 1 N = CC-Link 2 I = EtherCAT 1 X = EtherCAT 2 1) CV software including service cable 3) CPA software including service cable 3) Service box 2 (standard version with 1.5 m cable) Control panel for installation into 19" rack, including 5 m cable 3) Connector kit for valves with RS232, RS422, RS485 or Logic interface consisting of counter plugs for INTERFACE, SENSOR and POWER connections Connector kit for valves with fieldbus consisting of counter plugs for SENSOR and POWER connections 3) Details see chapter «Pressure controller» AC power supply unit (input: 100 - 240 V AC, output: 24 V DC / 4 A)
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Series 61 Feedthrough Rotary feedthrough FKM (VITON) (double seal) double seal of rotary feedthrough 1 controller 2 coupling 3 bearing 4 double seal 5 plate 6 body XY double excentric bearing: prevents wearing of the O-ring and particle generation Low minimum controllable conductance, extended control range Fast operation Extremely short control response times Integrated controller Automatic service signal (contamination) Position indication Actuator unit easy to remove/mount Service port (computer or service box 2 connection) Excellent resistance to contaminating processes The valve plate...
Open the catalog to page 2
Butterfly valve control system Technical data Actuator unit with controller Power consumption + 24 V DC (±10%) 38 W max. (controller + motor) 10 W max. for Power Failure Option 36 W max. for Sensor Power Supply Sensor supply Sensor input - Signal voltage - Input resistance - Resolution - Sampling rate 0 - 10 V DC linear with pressure Ri = 100kΩ 0.23 mV 10 ms Control accuracy 0.1% of maximum sensor range Position resolution Ambient temperature Pressure range 1) - Aluminum valve, hard anodized - Stainless steel valve Leak rate to the outside 1) - Aluminum valve, hard anodized - Stainless...
Open the catalog to page 3
Series 61 Pressure controller SERVICE - Fast and accurate pressure control - Automatic learning of system parameters MOD MSD LSD PGM 8 0 6 06 DATA RATE - Hold function for plasma ignition - Valve position control - Remote control - Information display - Inputs for 1 or 2 linear pressure sensors (capacitance manometers) - Service interface for local operation - Closing or opening of the valve at power failure (option) Profibus, CC-Link, EtherCAT Electrical connections connection electrical connection position indicator sensor input sensor power supply power input Pressure control The...
Open the catalog to page 4
Butterfly valve control system Service port The valve has a service port (RS232) for connecting a computer or a service box. VAT can provide two software versions which, independent of the hoster computer, allow a variety of functions. For connecting the computer to the valve, a special cable designed by VAT is required. Basic version VAT Control View (CV software) Extended version VAT Control Performance Analyzer (CPA software) • Diagnostics • Graphical illustration of the pressure behavior • Programming and recording of sequences • Several possibilities for data analysis and process...
Open the catalog to page 5
Series 61 Options Certain options are not available for some nominal diameters or cannot be combined. Moreover, options can affect the general technical data. Actuator / controller - Ultra fast actuator (100 ms) - Controller with configurable PI parameters - RS232 interface with 2 analog outputs Valve - Heater with insulation (picture) for valve temperatures up to 120°C: for DN 40 and DN 50 only Ordering information for options: Ordering No. of valve-X (e. g. 61534-KHGG-X, X = valve with heater for 80°C)
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