Catalog excerpts

Flange connections ISO-KF Clamp Claw Centering ring Blank-off flange Weld neck flange Metal seal (indium, max. 60°C) Soft-start throttle Suitable flange material Leak rate for helium (mbar ls-1) Sealing force (N per cm sealing line) A: aluminum E: stainless steel Maximum values: depending on operating conditions and sealing materials
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Series 31 Clamp for seal made of FKM (VITON) and indium DN mm inch Ordering numbers clamp: aluminim screws: nickel-plated steel Claw with screw and washer DN mm inch Ordering numbers claw: aluminum screw, washer: stainless steel Centering ring with O-ring made of FKM (VITON) DN Ordering numbers Ordering numbers stainless steel
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Flange connections ISO-KF stainless steel *) minimum dimension Weld-neck flange short or long DN stainless steel Metal seal indium DN mm inch inner ring: stainless steel outer ring: aluminum Max. temperature 60°C, multiple use with VAT clamps
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Soft-start throttle valve Series 31 from chamber throttle flaps For reduction of turbulence in pump forelines during pumpdown Protection device against When mounting them between two ISO-KF flanges (instead of a centering ring), the open flaps must be orientated against the air flow in the vacuum line. When the roughing system goes into operation, a strong air flow occurs in the forevacuum line, which immediately closes the valve and reduces the pipe section by about 99%. When reaching a differential pressure of approx. 15 mbar, the valve opens abruptly and leaves the pipe section nearly...
Open the catalog to page 4All VAT Vakuumventile AG catalogs and technical brochures
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HV angle valve
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080 - Insertable gate valve
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VAT Catalogue 2012
234 Pages