Catalog excerpts

Large gate valves Low shock, damped opening and closing Differential pressure possible on either side Proven design, used in large research and industrial systems as well as in space simulation Body material stainless steel Series 190 HV gate valve Pneumatic actuator double acting with position indicator with solenoid Series 192 UHV gate valve Ordering numbers (specify control voltage) Series 190 HV gate valve ISO-F Series 192 UHV gate valve ISO-F without position indicator, without solenoid: 19 . . . - . E14 with position indicator, without solenoid: 19 . . . - . E24 Other sizes Projects for special versions Our product groups are experienced in developing special requirements concerning material, stability, heaters, etc. On customer request, we can perform special test programs, bakeout and provision of customer specific hand-over quality documentation. Acceptance tests are conducted for large special projects, and are prepared by our engineers. Large VAT gate valves have proved their reliability in various large systems all over the world. Reference list available on request.
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Sealing materials Gate: Feedthrough HV gate valve: shaft feedthrough UHV gate valve: bellows 1 valve gate 2 counter plate 3 flat springs 4 ball pairs 5 detents 6 gate seal 7 spring stop valve seat side Proved VATLOCK configuration (see glossary) Assembly in cleanroom according to UHV quality standards DN 900 - 1250 HV with split body: hence extremely short height for dismantling and convenient maintenance (see illustration below) • Move valve gate to the position «open» • Unscrew actuator part of body and lift it off from flange part (flange part remains in the system) • Move valve gate to...
Open the catalog to page 2
Large gate valves Technical data Series 19 Leak rate: body, valve seat Pressure range - HV gate valve - UHV gate valve Differential pressure on the gate Differential pressure at opening - DN 400 - 500 - DN 630 - 1250 Cycles until first service - DN 400 - 500 HV 100 000 - DN 630 HV / 400 - 630 UHV 20 000 - DN 800 - 1250 HV + UHV 10 000 Heating and cooling rate - 400 - 630 - 800 - 1250 compressed air pressure min. - max. overpressure Position indicator: contact rating - Voltage - Current - Power molecular flow conductance actuator horizontal or vertical («actuator down» on request)...
Open the catalog to page 3
Actuator: - Solenoid for impulse actuation: Power failure: last valve position is maintained Compressed air failure: valve closed - valve remains closed valve open - valve position is undefined - Solenoid for impulse actuation and non-return valve: valve position is undefined at power failure and compressed air failure - Solenoid separate, for external mounting - Solenoid for 12, 48 V DC 24, 48, 100, 115, 200, 220 V / 50 Hz 24, 100, 115, 200, 220 V / 60 Hz - Mechanical position indicator (Series 190) - Lockable actuator Valve: - All standard flanges available (ISO, ASA, ASA-LP, JIS) -...
Open the catalog to page 4
Large gate valves Main dimensions HV valve (with shaft feedthrough) DN 400 - 800 (16" - 32") valve seat side for attachment required for dismantling leak detection hole compressed air connection electrical connection HV valve (with shaft feedthrough) DN 900 - 1250 (36" - 50")
Open the catalog to page 5
Main dimensions UHV valve (with bellows feedthrough) DN 400 - 800 (16" - 32") valve seat side for attachment required for dismantling leak detection hole compressed air connection electrical connection UHV valve (with bellows feedthrough) DN 1000 - 1250 (40" - 50")
Open the catalog to page 6All VAT Vakuumventile AG catalogs and technical brochures
3 Pages
271 series
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752 series
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590 series
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230 series
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191 series
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172 series
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HV angle valve
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Large door L-VAT
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Rectangular valve FlapVAT
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Atmospheric door L-VAT
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All-metal gate valve
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Large gate valves (V)
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HV gate valve
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HV gate valve with Bellows
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080 - Insertable gate valve
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Large Transfer valve
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Transfer valve
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VAT Catalogue 2012
234 Pages