Catalog excerpts

Mini vacuum gate valve Series 012 Small and light-weight Low cost Body material aluminum Manual actuator toggle lever Ordering numbers inch Pneumatic actuator double acting without position indicator without solenoid Ordering numbers inch with position indicator, without solenoid: 012 . . -KA24 with position indicator, with solenoid: 012 . . -KA44 (specify control voltage)
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Sealing materials Gate: Feedthrough O-ring shaft seal 1 valve gate 2 counter plate 3 spring stop 4 ball pair 5 gate seal valve seat side VATLOCK configuration (see glossary) O-ring shaft seal Vulcanized gate seal Technical data ≤ 1 bar in either direction ≤ 30 mbar 50 000 Temperature 1) - Valve body - Manual and pneumatic actuator - Position indicator - Solenoid Heating and cooling rate Material - Valve body - Gate Seal - Bonnet - Gate FKM (VITON) FKM (VITON, vulcanized) Mounting position conditions and sealing materials Cycles until first service Maximum values: depending on operating...
Open the catalog to page 2
Mini vacuum gate valve Options Actuator: - Solenoid for impulse actuation: actual valve position is maintained at power failure - Solenoid separate, for external mounting - Solenoid for 12, 48 V DC 24, 48, 100, 115, 200, 230 V 50/60 Hz - Manual emergency operation on solenoid lockable Valve: - ISO-KF «quick» for fast mounting, with centering rings and clamp integrated into the valve body Ordering information for options: Ordering No. of valve-X (e. g. 01232-KA44-X, X = solenoid for impulse actuation) Fittings for installation of the valve: Series 31 Consisting of gate with vulcanized seal,...
Open the catalog to page 3
Dimensions Valve with manual actuator: toggle lever DN 16 - 50 (⅝" - 2") ISO-KF Valve with pneumatic actuator: double acting DN 16 - 50 (⅝" - 2") ISO-KF valve seat side required for dismantling emergency operation compressed air connection electrical connection position indicator mechanical position indication
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VAT Catalogue 2012
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