Catalog excerpts

www.vamp.fi Protection relays >
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Vamp Ltd > Vamp Ltd, with a strong experience of designing protection devices,is an independent supplier of protection relays and monitoring equipment. The company has an established reputation when it comes to bringing new thinking and expertise into the field of electrical industry. Within a short time we have become the world leader in certain low and medium voltage protection and monitoring product areas. Company info > Vamp Ltd is a well-known supplier ofinnovative and quality products in thefield of medium and low voltagedistribution systems and power generation.Our key know-how...
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Features > The VAMP protection relays include all the main properties you have beenused to see in the medium voltage distribution protection systems. Additionally the relays include a number of other innovative and unique features. The following basic functions are the same in all relays. Basic features > Comprehensive and versatile settingand programming possibilities.Programmable blocking and outputmatrix.Disturbance recorder and evaluationsoftwareSeveral communication protocols areavailable in the relays.Continuous self-supervision. Robust metal enclosure. Wide auxiliary supply voltage...
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In this example VAMP protection relays areconnected to a MODBUS network. PLC is a master for the system. ABBs SPA bus communication protocolis widely used at powerdistribution substations in utility and industrial applications. Profibus DP protocol is widely used for theprocess control as well as for the powerdistribution monitoring and control in theprocess industry.VAMP protection relays can be connectedto the Ethernet network via the Modbus/ TCP protocol. VAMPSET software is compatible with Windows XP /2000 / NT / 98 / 95 operating system. >
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Arc Protection System type VAMP 220/VAMP 221 Vamp Ltd is a world leader in supplying arc protection systems. The VAMP 220/VAMP 221 is ideal for both retrofitting old switchgear as well as installing in new designs. This will improve the safety for equipment as well as personnel. Application example and features Support for current looppoint sensor and fiber optic loop sensor (221) Can be configured to tripon light criteria only (221) Designed according toprotection relay standards Fullfils relevant EMCstandards Fault location indicated Portable sensor Double trip criteria Continuous...
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Phase mode The relay is connected tophase voltages U > L1 , U > L2 and U > L3 . The line voltages are calculatedusing the measured phase voltages. The residual voltage is calculatedusing the measured phase voltages. No open-delta transformer isneeded. Line mode The relay is connected to linevoltages U > 12 , U > 23 and U > 31 . The residual overvoltage stagesU > > and U > >> are not available. Line mode + U > The relay is connected to linevoltages U > 12 , U > 23 and to aresidual voltage U > . The non-measured line voltageU > 31 is calculated using the twomeasured line voltages. >
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Overcurrent and earthfault relay VAMP 140 The combined overcurrent and earth fault relay VAMP 140 is a cost effectiverelay for overcurrent, short circuit and earth fault protection. The possibility to connect arc sensors to the relay and transfer light information to other relays adds a new dimension to the protection schemes. Protection functions Application example and features Three overcurrent stages Circuit breaker failureprotection Three earth fault stages One sensitive earth faultstage Disturbance recorder Trip circuit supervision Current unbalance stage Arc fault protection (option)...
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Motor protection relay VAMP 150 Motor protection relay type VAMP 150 is a cost-effective protection unit withall the basic protection functions needed for low and medium voltage motors. The relay is used to protect circuit breaker controlled three phase AC motors. Protection functions Application example and features Thermal overload stage Start-up supervisionand stall protection Three overcurrent stages Two earth-fault stages Circuit breaker failureprotection One undercurrent stage Phase unbalance stage Trip circuit supervision Current unbalance stage Arc fault protection (option) Frequent...
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Generator protection relay VAMP 210 The flexible multi-stage protection functions, many communication protocolsand various auxiliary functions make the VAMP 210 perfect for small and medium sized generators. Three overcurrent stages Current unbalance stage One overcurrent stage withvoltage restraint Loss of excitation stage Two reverse power stages Under impendance Two overvoltage stages Four non-directional earth-fault stages Two undervoltage stages Two overfrequency stages One directional earth-faultstage Two underfrequency stages Arc fault protection (option) Two residual...
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Differential protection relay VAMP 265 The flexible protection functions, many communication protocols and variousauxiliary functions make the VAMP 265 perfect for differential protection of transformers, generators and motors. Protection functions Three phase biaseddifferential stage Trip circuit supervision Arc fault protection (option) Three phase differential stage Disturbance recorder foranalysing the inrush and fault situations One overcurrent stage Two earth-fault stages Circuit breaker failureprotection > Application example and features Dual slope bias characteristics Selectable...
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Directional overcurrent and earth-fault relay VAMP 230 The comprehensive protection functions, many communication protocols andvarious auxiliary functions make the VAMP 230 perfect for utility, industrial, marine and off-shore power distribution applications. Protection functions Four directional overcurrentstages Two undervoltage stages Unbalance protection Two overcurrent stages Thermal overload stage Two directional earth-faultstages Circuit breaker failureprotection Two earth-fault stages Trip circuit supervision Two residual overvoltagestages Arc fault protection (option) Disturbance...
Open the catalog to page 11All Vamp catalogs and technical brochures
vamp 265
2 Pages
16 Pages
VAMP 1 1 F
16 Pages
VAMP 50 series
20 Pages
VAMP 96 and VAMP 260
12 Pages
16 Pages
VAMP 259
12 Pages
VAMP 230, VAMP 255 and VAMP 257
16 Pages
VAMP 125
1 Pages
VAMP 125 Unit for flexible
12 Pages
VAMP 120 & 121
8 Pages
16 Pages
VAMP 321
12 Pages
12 Pages
190 Pages
VAMP 120
8 Pages
24 Pages
20 Pages
VAMP 230
16 Pages
VAMP 210
2 Pages
VAMP 135
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
VAMP 221_2013
16 Pages
VAMP 221_2011
16 Pages
16 Pages
ARC Protection
20 Pages
28 Pages
Vamp Arc Protection Series
16 Pages
Vamp Feeder/Motor Manager
16 Pages
Selection table
1 Pages