

Catalog excerpts

Customer - 3

Jer k er Ku ll berg P re s ide n t, Va mp Lt d Ol avi V h m䤤 kiR&D Direc to r , Va mp Lt d > Protection&Control/3 size="-1">

Open the catalog to page 3
Customer - 12

Lauri Kumpulainen( L ic. T e ch.) h a sb een V amp L td's di re cto r of re s ear chsi n c e 1S ep t em b er , 2006. H e g ra d ua t e df > e ch n ology i n 1987 an d wo r k e d a s a d e v e lo pmen t en gi neer with H meen Shk䤶 L td, o ne of th e l ar g e st Fi nn ish e l e ct r ic u tiliti e s. His ma jo r t a sksco mpr is e d up d a ti n g of th e pr i n ci p l e s of ne two r k d e sig n an d i mp l emen t a tio n ofth O n e of m y most i m p ort a n t t a sks i s in form a t i o n p ro duc e d b y p rote c t i o n e GIS b a s e d ne two r k i n fo rma tio n c re a t in g v i s i o n s...

Open the catalog to page 12
Customer - 22

VampLtd VampMalaysiaSdn.Bhd MrLic. Tech., has been appointedDirector of Research. His area of responsibility includesresearch on relay systems and arc protection for electricitydistribution networks, and cooperation with researchinstitutes and universities. Kumpulainen was previouslyresearcher at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.MrB.Sc. Eng., has been appointed AreaSales Manager for North East Asia. He joins Vamp fromsite manager duties at Wrtsil.MsB.BA, has been appointed MarketingAssistant. She worked previously in similar duties at VaconPlc in Vaasa.MrB.Sc. Eng., has been...

Open the catalog to page 22

All Vamp catalogs and technical brochures

  1. vamp 265

    2 Pages

  2. VAMP 11V

    16 Pages

  3. VAMP 1 1 F

    16 Pages

  4. VAMP 50 series

    20 Pages

  5. VAMP 57

    16 Pages

  6. VAMP 259

    12 Pages

  7. VAMP 125

    1 Pages

  8. VAMP 11V

    16 Pages

  9. VAMP 321

    12 Pages

  10. VAMP 59

    12 Pages

  11. VAMP 55

    190 Pages

  12. VAMP 120

    8 Pages

  13. VAMP 40

    24 Pages

  14. VAMP 50

    20 Pages

  15. VAMP 230

    16 Pages

  16. VAMP 210

    2 Pages

  17. VAMP 135

    8 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. VAMP 221_2013

    16 Pages

  2. VAMP 221_2011

    16 Pages

  3. VAMP 96

    16 Pages

  4. ARC Protection

    20 Pages