Group: VAHLE Group

Catalog excerpts

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WHO ARE WE For more than 100 years, pioneering spirit and tradition, imbued with a drive for innovation and, superbly trained personnel, determine and shape actions of the VAHLE Group. Paul Vahle, the inventor of the Copperhead Conductor, founded this Company in 1912. The VAHLE Group is an internationally engaged, family owned enterprise, specializing in intelligent energy and data transmissions systems for mobile industrial applications; its main offices are located in the German city of Kamen, Westphalia. VAHLE strives to combine basic social values of a family owned company, now in its...
Open the catalog to page 2
WHERE ARE WE Since 1912 the VAHLE Group as specialist for intelligent and solution oriented energy and data transmission systems for mobile industrial applications, is at home in many, and often diverse industries. • Crane technology • Intralogistics • Automotive • Port technology • People mover • Amusement and entertainment You will find a selection from our product portfolio at the following pages.
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OPEN & INSULATED CONDUCTOR SYSTEMS OPEN CONDUCTOR SYSTEMS Wherever there are particularly harsh environmental influences, such as in coking plants and steel mills, we offer a safe and powerful power supply with our open conductor systems. You can easily supply your mobile applications (overhead travelling cranes, loading bridges, container handling equipment, monorails, coke-making machines, electric hoists, etc.) with current ratings of up to 3,000 A via the open conductor systems. INSULATED CONDUCTOR SYSTEMS U10 & FABA100 The VAHLE insulated conductor systems have been a proven and...
Open the catalog to page 4
COMPACT CONDUCTOR SYSTEM VKS Use of skillet conveyors is the preferred method for assembly line manufacturing especially with the automobile industry. VAHLE VKS compact conductor systems provide reliably electric current even when available space is very limited. Here also, safety is VAHLE’s number one consideration. An especially engineered PE-conductor guaranties trouble-free maintenance without accidents. Available from 63 A to 140 A. COMPACT CONDUCTOR SYSTEM VKS10 Available space at an aisle is usually at premium with storage and retrieval installations. AS/R machines store or retrieve...
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vCONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR SYSTEMS COMPACT CONDUCTOR SYSTEM VCL The two-pole compact conductor system VCL (VAHLE COMPACT LINE) was developed specifically for various intralogistics applications. With its compact size and modular structure, the VCL possesses the ideal properties for small parts warehouse shuttle applications or for other transfer carriages. Additionally, installing VKL2 is simple due to minimal parts and an easy clipfastening system. VAHLE MULTI SUPPORT PROFILE VMT VAHLE multi support profile VMT is engineered to be used with a number of differing track guided material handling...
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ENCLOSED CONDUCTOR SYSTEM KBH Overhead crane manufacturer and crane users must have a robust, economical, but also safe and reliable electrification system which can be easily and quickly installed. VAHLE’s KBH enclosed safety conductor system is touch-proof as per IP 23 and may be installed indoors or outdoors. The plastic housing can accommodate different copper cross sections for nominal currents of 63 – 200 A. The ball-bearing mounted collectors are led in the housing. Special sections enable quick and easy replacement of defective sections. Our tried and tested finished parts storage...
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FESTOON SYSTEMS VAHLE festoon systems guaranty process reliability even under extreme operating conditions. Flexible flat and round cable assemblies as well as water and hydraulic hoses are safely supported and moved. VAHLE’s festoon systems have been in operation worldwide for many years, are very reliable and require only minimal maintenance. VAHLE engineering will gladly configure a vFESTOON system for any specific requirement and, if so desired, will supply it preinstalled. CABLES Selection of the best suited cable either for cable carrier systems or cable reels is extremely important...
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CABLE REELS SPRING OPERATED CABLE REELS VAHLE spring operated cable reels are an economical method to supply mobile equipment with energy, control and communication data. Compressed air, gases, hydraulic oil etc. can also be handled with appropriate hoses installed. Utilization is spread over a wide variety of industrial settings such as material handling, assembly, construction equipment and mobile cranes, as well as crafts and trades, communal, environmental and entertainment venues. Flat spiral springs with special tempering and high longevity are used to provide reliable coiling. A...
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CONTACTLESS POWER SUPPLY 20 KHZ / 140 KHZ Rapidly increasing cycle frequencies together with reliability and flexibility are signs of successful modern production facilities. VAHLE’s contactless power supply contributes a significant advantage to this task as it is wear-resistant, maintenance free, insensitive to contamination and has unrestricted travel speeds. Based on high-cycle frequencies, highest facility efficiencies can be achieved while using smallest possible components; regardless whether an AGV installation or an EMS monorail system is used.
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POSITIONING SYSTEMS APOS MAGNETIC APOS positioning systems integrated with VAHLE conductor systems have been developed for use with automated material flow installations. VAHLE APOS consists of a code tape with magnetic length coding and a reading head with integrated logic which reads and evaluates absolute position and relays it to the control system interface. APOS OPTIC Material flow installations, as used for instance at automobile assembly facilities, require with new installations continuous and precise position determination across the entire assembly cycle. APOS Optic has been...
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DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SMGM / SMGX Modern production requires for control and diagnostic functions continually increasing quantities data. For simple transporting task with mobile equipment lower data rates may be transmitted using conductor systems, this communication method is not possible with complex processes requiring high data rates. VAHLE’s data transmission system, SMGM (Slotted Microwave Guide Mini), has been especially developed for these applications. SMGM is also protected from interference by any other system used in the vicinity and may be integrated with VAHLE conductor...
Open the catalog to page 12All VAHLE catalogs and technical brochures
Enclosed conductor system KBH
36 Pages
spring-operated cable reels
40 Pages
APOS Magnetic (gliding)
2 Pages
APOS Optic
12 Pages
Motor powered cable reels
24 Pages
APOS Magnetic (touchless)
8 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
CPS 20kHz
24 Pages
Charging contacts
8 Pages
CPS 140kHz
32 Pages
Compact conductor system VKS
32 Pages
Compact conductor system VKS10
28 Pages
Shuttle Charging System
2 Pages
Compact conductor system VCL
8 Pages
Insulated conductor system U10
28 Pages
Open conductor system
48 Pages
Festoon system
28 Pages
Enclosed conductor system MKH
40 Pages