Group: VAHLE Group

Catalog excerpts

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General VAHLE copperhead conductors were invented in ���� by engineer Paul Vahle. The T-profile, with their attached copperhead, replaced conventional bare copper wires, which encountered frequent contact difficulties, considerable spark formation and wire breaks. Attaching a copper profile to a T-shaped steel foot achieved a level of mechanical stability which provided safe contact between conductor and current collector . This results in a higher service life of the system, wear to the copper conductor is hardly detectable. As a result of continual development, our conductors and...
Open the catalog to page 3
IEC – ( excerpt) This standard applies for the use of electric and electronic equipment and systems for hoisting gear and corresponding equipment. Conductor lines and slipring bodies Protection against direct contact Conductor lines and slipring bodies must be installed or enclosed to ensure that protection is provided against direct contact during usual access to the lifting gear, e.g. over the track platform or crane carrier platform by one of the following protective measures: Ǯ 3 URWHFWLRQE\SDUWLDOO\LQVXODWLQJWKHDFWLYHSDUWV This is the preferred measure. Ǯ...
Open the catalog to page 4
phase spacing Insulator and support distance Conductors L ��, A ��, C �� (Dimension L): distance max. �.� m all other conductors (Dimension L): distance max. �.� m The support brackets are attached to the crane track or respective structures. Phase distance (holes in the support brackets): ��� mm with low voltage, ��� mm with medium voltage up to �� kV. In confined space conditions, the phase distance of conductors L ��, A �� and C �� must be no less than ��� mm and no less than ��� mm for all other conductor types. The support brackets must be aligned during assembly so that the conductors...
Open the catalog to page 5
Selection of conductors In order to simplify the selection of the conductors and current collectors, depending on ambient conditions, there is a table for selecting conductors on this page and a table for selecting current collectors on page 32. In addition to the electrical layout, the tables will assist in choosing the correct conductor quickly. These tables limit the dierent conductors in their respective areas of application and provide an overall overview of their application depending on the ambient temperature. In steel mills with a high degree of particle contamination, note F...
Open the catalog to page 6
Technical Data Type equivalent copper crosssection mm²
Open the catalog to page 7
Checking voltage drop for start-up current The position of the feed point can initially be determined according to on-site circumstances, usually at the end of the system (end power feed). If this value is exceeded, the voltage drop can be reduced by changing the power feed length (l) or by arranging additional feeds. If necessary, the next larger conductor may even have to be selected. If nothing else is specied, a guideline value for the max. voltage drop in the conductor of 3% of the nominal voltage can be assumed. Power feed lengths (I): ǣ:LWKHQGIHHGHUFODPS – With feeder clamps at...
Open the catalog to page 8
Reference code: / 6WHHO7SURȨOHOLJKWYHUVLRQ 7SURȨOHIRRWZLGWKELQPP &RSSHUFURVVVHFWLRQ PP2) Bending at the factory: 0LQLPXPEHQGLQJUDGLXV5PLQ PP max. support distance: 600 mm ∧ Standard length: 7m ∧ Short sections: on request ∧ Support distance: 2 m in straight runs ∧ Suitable current collectors: DVD, GSV1 The steel prole can be supplied hot galvanized or coated. Bending over the foot, head and lip is possible Bending over the copperhead is not possible with L 20/14 Type Cross section Copperhead mm2 Cross section Steel mm2 Equivalent Total copper cross-section mm2 (1) The last gure of the...
Open the catalog to page 9
Rigid joint Order no. Stainless steel Feeder clamps The feeder clamps are mounted at the intended feed points of the conductor. Type Cu must be soldered onto the copperhead of the conductor. Please clean the contact surfaces and apply contact grease. Order no. Stainless steel Locating clamps Illustration shows an insulator with 2 locating clamps Order no. Stainless steel Galvanized steel Isolating sections 7\SH/ /RRVHGHOLYHU\DVVSDUHSDUW 7\SH0 $VVHPEO\DWWKHIDFWRU\ Max. support bracket distance to the LVRODWLQJVHFWLRQ PP (possi
Open the catalog to page 10
Bending at the factory: 0LQLPXPEHQGLQJUDGLXV5PLQ PP max. support distance: 1000 mm Bending over the foot, head and lip is possible Bending over the copperhead is not possible with F 35/30 Reference code: ) 6WHHO73URȨOH 7SURȨOHIRRWZLGWKELQPP &RSSHUFURVVVHFWLRQ PP2) Cross section Copperhead mm2 Cross section Steel mm2 Standard length: 7m Short sections: on request Support distance: 2.5 m in straight runs Suitable current collectors: GSV 2, GSV 4, GSV 8 The steel prole can be supplied hot galvanized or coated. Equivalent Total copperhead cross-section mm2 (1) The last gure of the Ident. no....
Open the catalog to page 11
Order no. Stainless steel The feeder clamps are mounted at the intended feed points of the conductors. Type Cu must be soldered onto the copperhead of the conductor. Please clean the contact surfaces and apply contact grease. Feeder clamps Order no. Stainless steel (1) not illustrated / 265 mm long connection terminals can be used as rigid joints at he same time Locating clamps Illustration shows an insulator with 2 locating clamps (x point) Order no. Stainless steel Galvanized steel Isolating sections
Open the catalog to page 12
Reference code: ) 6WHHO7SURȨOH 7SURȨOHIRRWZLGWKELQPP &RSSHUFURVVVHFWLRQ PP2) Bending at the factory: 0LQLPXPEHQGLQJUDGLXV5PLQ PP max. support distance: 1200 mm Bending over the copperhead is not possible with F 45/50 Cross section Copperhead mm2 Standard length: 7m Short sections: on request Support distance: 2.5 m in straight runs Suitable current collectors: GSV 2, GSV 4, GSV 8 The steel prole can be supplied hot galvanized or coated. Bending over foot, head and lip is possible Cross section Steel mm2 Equivalent Total copper crosssection mm2 (1) The last gure of the Ident. no. states the...
Open the catalog to page 13
Expansion joint with increased expansion value (e.g. building expansion joint) (required for system lenths over 100 m) Order no. Stainless steel
Open the catalog to page 14All VAHLE catalogs and technical brochures
Enclosed conductor system KBH
36 Pages
spring-operated cable reels
40 Pages
APOS Magnetic (gliding)
2 Pages
APOS Optic
12 Pages
Motor powered cable reels
24 Pages
APOS Magnetic (touchless)
8 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
CPS 20kHz
24 Pages
Charging contacts
8 Pages
CPS 140kHz
32 Pages
Compact conductor system VKS
32 Pages
Compact conductor system VKS10
28 Pages
Shuttle Charging System
2 Pages
Compact conductor system VCL
8 Pages
Insulated conductor system U10
28 Pages
Product Portfolio
16 Pages
Festoon system
28 Pages
Enclosed conductor system MKH
40 Pages