Group: VAHLE Group

Catalog excerpts

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HIGHEST SYSTEM AVAILABILITY The CPS® 20kHz convinces with its wear- and largely maintenance-free power supply. In addition, the VAHLE systems are resistant to contamination and meet the requirements of high-speed applications. Of course, optimum efficiency can only be guaranteed under appropriate environmental and mechanical conditions. GLOBAL USE The VAHLE CPS® 20kHz is used in many branches of industry with more than 450 installations realized worldwide. This includes the great “knowhow” of VAHLE and finding individual solutions together with the customer. WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES The CPS®...
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GENERAL CPS® 20KHZ OPERATING PRINCIPLE TRANSFORMER PRINCIPLE VAHLE CPS® 20kHz technology provides electrical energy without any a long loop and places the secondary winding onto an open ferromagnet- mechanical contact. It utilizes the induction principle similar to a trans- ic core. This allows relative motion of the two windings. The transmission former‘s primary/secondary transfer. In a transformer, the primary and characteristics are optimized by using a high transmission frequency of secondary windings are on a common, closed ferromagnetic core. CPS 20kHz technology, on the other hand,...
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CPS® 20KHZ – SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1 1 Track Power Litz Cable PRIMARY EQUIPMENT – OVERVIEW CABINET PRIMARY INVERTER As the centerpiece of the contactless power supply, the primary inverter delivers the required electrical power for all mobile consumers located on the track. Standard three-phase alternating current of 400 V / 50 Hz (or different regional standards) is initially converted to single-phase alternating current of 20 kHz and then fed to the primary cable at a constant current of 70 A. A suitable diagnostics interface is available for displaying or monitoring the actual operating...
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Complete cabinet Mounting plate PPU45K – 45 KW RANGE OF PRODUCTS Description 124 A Primary power unit 45 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Stand alone / Digital IOs / Track compensation not included Primary power unit 45 kW / Terminal screw for PU22 application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Stand alone / Digital IOs / Track compensation not included Primary power unit 45 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Sync-Master / Digital IOs / Track compensation not included Primary power unit 45 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz /...
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PPU11K – 11 KW RANGE OF PRODUCTS Description 124 A Primary power unit 11 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Stand alone / Digital IOs / Track compensation not included Primary power unit 11 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Sync-Master / Digital IOs / Track compensation not included Primary power unit 11 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Sync-Sub-Slave / Digital IOs / Track compensation not included Primary power unit 11 kW / Terminal screw for standard application / 20 kHz / 124 A / Sync-Slave /...
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PRIMARY EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION The primary inverter units shown here are generally suitable for all areas of application indicated in this catalog. From a technical and economical aspect, an optimum adaptation to the respective conditions of a specific installation is assured due to an available, wide-ranging performance grading scale. Whether a complete cabinet is needed or a mounting plate – our experienced project team will always be glad to help you selecting the best suitable components. Primary equipment can be configured for installations with one segment (stand alone) or for...
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TRACK EQUIPMENT TRACK COMPENSATION • Compact design • Positioning near track possible • A box is required every 33 to 44 m Track Power Compensation Box PRIMARY CABLE Primary cable 8 x 4 • For standard applications • Single insulated copper conductors • Easy installation with standard cable tools • For EMS and sortation technology applications • Special conductor made of single insulated copper braid • Small outside diameter • For very long track sections • Special conductor made of single insulated copper braid • Very low power loss due to large co
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LAYOUT METHODS Installed inside vehicle guide track Cable installed directly into the floor Cable on special support RANGE OF PRODUCTS Description Track Power Compensation Box for 124 A / 20 kHz Track Power Compensation Box for 72 A / 20 kHz Track Power Litz Cable / 20 kHz / 72 A / 20 kHz CPS®PL04 8 x 4 mm² / 15.7mm ±0.3 mm / UL-CSA Track Power Litz Cable / 20 kHz / 72 A / 20 kHz CPS®PL25 Cross section: 4 x 6 x 33 x 0.20mm / 10.7 mm ±0.4 mm Track Power Litz Cable / 20 kHz / 124 A / 20kHz CPS®PL50 Cross section: 8 x 4 x 50 x 0.20 mm / 16.5mm ±0.5mm
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F-PICKUP PS08 WITH INTEGRATED REGULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM RANGE OF PRODUCTS Description PS08 / 0.5 kW / 20 kHz / Track conductor spacing 80 mm / integrated Regulator / 27 VDC / 19 A max / Battery Charging PS08 / 0.6 kW / 20 kHz / Track conductor spacing 80 mm / integrated Regulator / 24 VDC / 25 A max Cable connection between PS08 and external application
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TECHNICAL DATA Electrical data
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VEHICLE EQUIPMENT FOR 24 V / 28.2 V / 56.2 V F-PICKUP PS27.1 WITH INTEGRATED REGULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM FUSE RANGE OF PRODUCTS Description PS27.1 / 1 kW / 20 kHz / Track conductor spacing 100 mm / integrated Regulator / 24 VDC / 42 A max PS27.1 / 1 kW / 20 kHz / Track conductor spacing 100 mm / integrated Regulator / 28.2 VDC / 36 A max. / Battery Charging PS27.1 / 1 kW / 20 kHz / Track conductor spacing 100 mm / integrated Regulator / 56.2 VDC / 20 A / Battery Charging Cable connection between PS27.1 and external application
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TECHNICAL DATA Electrical data
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BLOCK DIAGRAM FUSE RANGE OF PRODUCTS Description Regulator / 3.3 kW / 20 kHz / 560 V / Duty 40 % / No thermal monitoring / LITE / Relay contact / No Auxiliary Cable connection between F330 and RE330
Open the catalog to page 14All VAHLE catalogs and technical brochures
Enclosed conductor system KBH
36 Pages
spring-operated cable reels
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APOS Magnetic (gliding)
2 Pages
APOS Optic
12 Pages
Motor powered cable reels
24 Pages
APOS Magnetic (touchless)
8 Pages
20 Pages
20 Pages
Charging contacts
8 Pages
CPS 140kHz
32 Pages
Compact conductor system VKS
32 Pages
Compact conductor system VKS10
28 Pages
Shuttle Charging System
2 Pages
Compact conductor system VCL
8 Pages
Insulated conductor system U10
28 Pages
Product Portfolio
16 Pages
Open conductor system
48 Pages
Festoon system
28 Pages
Enclosed conductor system MKH
40 Pages