Catalog excerpts

advanced quality customized designs made in europe and usa Heat exchanger series Application oriented dimensioning Powder coated housing
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Product description With this new generation of Universal Hydraulik LKI oil-coolers, the manufacturer has succeeded in reducing the noise level. These coolers are ideally suited for stationary installations - for the cooling of hydraulic or lubricating oils. The range has been extended to include slow-running fans, and the housings have been optimized, in order to produce the very low noise level. In order to make the cooler range as comprehensive as possible, the smaller models are also available as single or dual versions, thus covering oil-cooling requirements for both low and high oil...
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Size LKI-51/61 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte ri sti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne cti on s, vi sco si tie s e tc. Coold Medium Lifting points
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Size LKI-100/200 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte risti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne ction s, visco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M8 Cooled Medium Lifting points
Open the catalog to page 4
Size LKI-300/400 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte risti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne ction s, visco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm , Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M8 Cooled Medium Lifting points
Open the catalog to page 5
Size LKI-500/600 Motor performance Power consumtion** Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte risti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne ction s, visco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M8 Lifting points Cooled Medium
Open the catalog to page 6
Size LKI-700 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte ri sti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne cti on s, vi sco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M1 0 Option: Cooling package rotated 90° Lifting points Cooled Medium Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium Medium to be cooled (alternative inlet)
Open the catalog to page 7
Size LKI-800 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte risti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne ction s, visco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M1 0 Option: Cooling package rotated 90° Lifting points Cooled Medium Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium Medium to be cooled (alternative inlet)
Open the catalog to page 8
Size LKI-900 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte risti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne ction s, visco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M1 0 Option: Cooling package rotated 90° Lifting points Cooled Medium Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium Medium to be cooled (alternative inlet)
Open the catalog to page 9
Size LKI-1000 Motor performance Power consumtion* Rotation speed Noise level** * N omi nal curre nt at 40 0V * *M ay vary by ± 3 d B(A ) due to roo m characte risti cs, o wn freq uencie s, oil con ne ction s, visco si tie s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm , Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M1 0 Option: Cooling package rotated 90° Lifting points Cooled Medium Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium Medium to be cooled (alternative inlet)
Open the catalog to page 10
Size LKI-100-HYD - LKI-600-HYD Rotation speed Noise level** * *M ay vary by± ± 3 d B(A ) du e to ro om ch aracte risti cs, o wn freque n cie s, oil con ne ctio n s, visco si ti e s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M8 Cooled Medium Lifting points
Open the catalog to page 11
Size LKI-700-HYD – LKI-1000-HYD Rotation speed Noise level** * *M ay vary by± ± 3 d B(A ) du e to ro om ch aracte risti cs, o wn freque n cie s, oil con ne ctio n s, visco si ti e s e tc. D ime n sion d ata in mm, Th re ad s fo r li ftin g equi pme nt: M1 0 Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium Cooled Medium (alternative outlet) Cooled Medium Medium to be cooled Medium to be cooled (alternative inlet) Lifting point
Open the catalog to page 12
Ordering code Series abbreviation LKI = Oil/Air-cooler for industrial use (“Option“) Options Equipment for Air-coolers (see optionen tabel below) Number of poles / Hydraulic drive volume (HYD) 2 = 2 pole / ca. 3000rpm 4 = 4 pole / ca. 1500rpm 6 = 6 pole / ca. 1000rpm 8 = 8 pole / ca. 750rpm 11 = Hydraulic motor 11ccm (HYD) 22 = Hydraulic motor 22ccm (HYD) Drive 400V = 400V/50Hz (Standard) HYD = Hydraulic motor Motors with special voltage or with explosion protection availlable on request. Option table LKI 110-400V-2 Ordering code acc. Data sheet (see above) Option: Air flow version Set up...
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