Catalog excerpts

advanced quality customized designs made in europe Ihr Partner fur Kuhler und Svsteme Ol/Wasser-Sicherheits-Warmetauscher Oil/Water safety heat exchangers Echangeur thermique de securite huile/eau Fur den industriellen Einsatz Sicherheitsperinzip / Safty principle / Principle de securite ■ Ausfuhrung mit Doppelrohren ■ Schutz gegen Uberdruck sowie gegen Korrosionseinwirkung ■ Ausgleichsgefate mit Druckuber-wachung zur Aufnahme thermischer Volumenanderung der Sperrflussigkeit ■ Version with/for double pipes ■ Protection against overpressure as well as corrosion effects. ■ Expansion tank with pressure control for acceptance of changes in sealing liquid volume ■ Realisation avec tubes doubles ■ Protection contre les surpressions et les effets de la corrosion ■ Reservoir de compensation pour la prise en charge de la modification thermique du volume du fluide de blocage ■ Abnehmbare Anschlutedeckel zur wasserseitigen Reinigung der Innen-rohre Standardmaterial ■ Removable sealing cover for cleaning internal water pipes Standard material ■ Couvercles de raccordement amo-vibles pour le nettoyage des tubes interieurs cote eau Materiel standard Mantelrohr Auteere Rohre Innere Rohre Deckel Trennkammer Messing/Stahl Cu Cu-Ni/SS Graugute Stahl Jacket Outer tubes Inner tubes Cover Separating chamber Brass/Steel Cu Cu-Ni/SS Grey cast iron Steel Tube de protection Tubes exterieurs Tubes interieurs Couvercle Chambre de separation laiton/Acier Cu Cu-Ni/SS fonte grise acier Andere Materialpaarungen auf Kunden-wunsch. Other material combinations at customer request. Autres combinaisons de materiaux sur demande. Optional: Seewasserausfuhrung Optional: Sea water version
Open the catalog to page 1
advanced quality customized designs made in europe Ihr Partner für Kühler und Systeme Sicherheitsperinzip / Safty principle / Principle de sécurité Based on the existing oil/water heat exchangers of the CKM series, the company Universal Hydraulik have developed the new oil/water safety heat exchanger CKM/FS which, by means of a double tube, prevents the danger of mixing the cooling and the to be cooled medium. The space between the two tubes is filled with a sealing liquid. A pre-charged diaphragm accumulator compensates the thermal change in volume of the sealing liquid and keeps the...
Open the catalog to page 2All Universal Hydraulik GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
13 Pages
UHD 160
12 Pages
7 Pages
2 Pages
10 Pages
12 Pages
7 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
10 Pages
1 Pages
Serie SCM/FS
2 Pages
Serie SCM
7 Pages
Serie UKCG
2 Pages
SSP series
4 Pages
Serie WRV
2 Pages
Serie UKTM
8 Pages
4 Pages
Serie UKM
8 Pages
2 Pages
Serie TL
4 Pages
Serie TFSA
4 Pages
Serie PWT
2 Pages
Serie LKM
12 Pages
Serie LKI
12 Pages
8 Pages
10 Pages
Serie EDH
8 Pages
Serie ECM
8 Pages
Serie CKM
8 Pages
PTÖK series
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
Serie AM
8 Pages