Catalog excerpts

M > ODEL PSG > kitchen emission control systems size="-2">
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retrofit into an existing building. Hotels, high-rise buildings, grocery stores, airports, casinos, food courts and sports and entertainment complexes, these are just a few facilities already relying on UAS kitchen emission control systems to prevent odor complaints and secure a positive good neighborӔ image in their communities. > Today, many building owners have occupants whorequire adding a kitchen to an existing structure a structure often without an existing exhaust- ventilation system to control grease and odors. This used to pose a problem, but not anymore.The revolutionary design of...
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UAS' PSG systems are simply your best value in kitchen emission control, solving your emission problems and saving you money in a variety of ways: Minimum ducting is required with all of our configurations,saving expensive runs of heavy gauge welded exhaust duct systems.ՕPSG systems combat the hazardous pollutants resulting from kitchen emissions, therefore, ongoing operating and maintenance costs are significantly reduced. compliance with even the strictest federal,state and local environmental standards, Plus, maintenance is minimized because our aluminum collection cells are easy to...
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֓V-bank odor control designallows for high filtration efficiency of gaseous odors utilizing variousmedia options. > Systematically controls detergent use and allows for optimal cleaning while eliminating facility maintenance required to dilute detergent. > Effectively transitions airstreamto collection cells. > Adjustable interlocking ԓU channels provide tortuous path for even airflow distribution and protection from large contaminants. > UL listed electronic circuitry with self-regulating componentsprovides maximum collection ofgrease and odor emissions. Single or separate panels can...
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Effectively transitions airstream to blower system. > UL 762 listed, energy efficient blower with backward inclinedwheels for quiet, efficient operation. (In-line blowers also available.) > Provides system on/off control. > Self-contained tank holds concentrateddetergents used to clean kitchen emissionsfrom commercial and industrial applications. (Includes integral mounted pump.) > Heavy-duty structural channel baseintegrates system and facilitateseasier installation. > Fixed-face and overhead washerseffectively clean collection components without removal. >
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Electrostatic Precipitation technology (ESP) is the key to the superiorperformance of the PSG. Unlike bag filters that remove only the largest particles, ESP electrically charges even microscopic contaminants, then captures them magnetically in an aluminum collection cell. As a result, this sophisticated electronic solution leaves virtually no grease or hazardous particle untouched, releasing only clean air from the system. UAS' ESP technology insures constant airflow unlike barrier filters that can plug and become ineffective. > Its not just the ESP technology that provides superior...
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INSTALLATION > Conceptual InteriorInstallation withSidewall Discharge. ACCESSORIES/OPTIONS AGENCY LISTINGS/APPROVALS > Custom control panelsՕCustom paint colors Factory start-up/orientation ՕFire suppression system Inlet plenum with grease impingement prefilter ՕIn-place cleaning systems Insulated weather enclosure ՕMotor starter Odor control modules ՕOutlet transition plenum Prefilter options ՕRemote start/stop control panel UL/ETL agency-approved City of Los AngelesCity of New York Ֆ MEA Listing www.uasinc.com size="-1">
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