Catalog excerpts

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Standard Grippers Standard Module System SMS 120 SMS 80 SMS MINI UniGripper offers a wide range of standard vacuum grippers, which can be used in a vast variety of applications. It is a well proven concept that we are very proud to present in this folder. Our standard product range consists of the Standard Module System (SMS); The UniGripper Basic series; UniGripper Small Grippers; and the UniGripper Co/Light - Collaborative and Lightweight grippers. The modular component principle of the standard gripper product range gives a huge flexibility in combining tools, vacuum sources and...
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Standard module System Valve Configurations Each SMS 120 series and SMS 80 series length is available in three standard valve configurations. The valve configurations are suitable for different kinds of products and the vacuum sources differ in size for the different configurations, from the 30.30 pitch for most boxes and other large object and wide stripes, through the 20.20 pitch that can handle smaller objects and more leakage to the 15.20 pitch targeted for thin stripes and other products that require a very dense distribution of valves. Each valve pitch is associated with a standard...
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technical data Ordering article Numbers ordering article numbers spare parts article numbers spare parts article numbers All data is subject to change without prior notification
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TECHNICAL DATA All data is subject to change without prior notification
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TECHNICAL DATA ORDERING ARTICLE NUMBERS ordering article numbers spare parts article numbers spare parts article numbers All data is subject to change without prior notification
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TECHNICAL dATA technical dATA ORdERINg ARTIcLE NuMBERs ORdERINg ARTICLE NuMBERs SPARE PARTS ARTICLE NUMBERS SMS 80/200/15.20/20 SMS 80/200/20/20 SMS 80/200/30.25/20 Foam pad SPARE pARTs ARTIcLE NuMBERs SMS 80/300/15.20/20 SMS 80/300/20/20 SMS 80/300/30.25/20 Foam pad All data is subject to change without prior notification
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TECHNICAL DATA ordering ARTICLE NumbERs spare parts ARTICLE NumbERs All data is subject to change without prior notification
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TECHNICAL DATA All data is subject to change without prior notification
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ordering article Numbers ORDERING ARTICLE NumbERs spare parts article NumbERs spare parts ARTICLE NumbERs All data is subject to change without prior notification
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technical data ordering article Numbers ORDERING ARTICLE NumbERs spare parts article NumbERs spare parts ARTICLE NumbERs All data is subject to change without prior notification
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CUSTOMIZING THE SMS The Standard Module System opens up for many kinds of customizations, which may be needed for getting the right function of the SMS unit. Making customizations quickly and efficiently is a core competence of the UniGripper organization and the customization possibilities range from minor changes as in foam pad design, to modifications of the SMS profile and further on to lifting systems integrating multiple SMS units. Below are the most common customizations presented and characterized in terms of degree of customization. FOAM PAD THICKNESS For all SMS units apart from...
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Hole Configurations Each Basic gripper length is available in either two or four hole configurations, as shown below. The 20.40 configuration is typically used for long, thin objects. The 30.60 is typically used for large plates. The 30.30 configuration is able to handle many boxes of high cardboard quality and the 20.20 configuration is the most generic configuration enabling handling of also relatively small objects. UniGripper Basic is primarily intended for handling of low-porosity materials with high coverage of product. The gripper consists of a profile which distributes the vacuum...
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TECHNICAL DATA technical data Ordering article Numbers ordering article numbers spare parts ARTIcLE numBERs spare parts article numbers All data is subject to change without prior notification
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BASIC 120/1400 TECHNICAL DATA technical data Ordering article Numbers ordering article numbers spare parts ARTiCLE numBERs spare parts article numbers All data is subject to change without prior notification
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UniGripper Co/Light is the next generation of UniGripper Lightweight targeted for low-payload robots in general and collaborative robots in particular. UniGripper Co/Light is designed without sharp edges to enable gentle collaboration combined with impressive vacuum force and ultra-low weight. Installation on robots is very easy as UniGripper Co/Light is equipped with a sleek snap-in connection, which makes it possible to slide the Co/Light on and off from the robot. UNIGRIPPER CONTROL BQX UniGripper Co/Light can be ordered with a control box that includes all pneumatic functions needed for...
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EJECTOR VACUUM GENERATORS SIDE CHANNEL BLOWERS Side channel blowers are excellent for larger vacuum systems as the blowers can generate high vacuum flows at relatively low power consumption. UniGripper works together with leading suppliers of blowers and we select blower model on request per request basis, based on characteristics of each project. We also offer a wide range of accessories for side channel blowers to make the integration simple. RotARy vane pumps UniGripper also offer rotary vane pumps in cases where an ejector vacuum generator may be the more natural choice for vacuum...
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SLIDE VALVES Slide valves can be installed on grippers or distribution pipes to disconnect grippers from the vacuum system in case they are not needed, for example when handling shorter products in a production line where both short and long products are handled. For each slide valve there are two versions available, with the difference is the chamber to which the slide valve is connected is kept closed or open when disconnecting the hose connection of the slide valve from the opening in the chamber. slide valves VACUUM HOSE Distribution vacuum in hoses puts special requirements on the hose...
Open the catalog to page 20All UniGripper catalogs and technical brochures
The UniGripper 2013 brochure
16 Pages
Industry Solutions
24 Pages