Catalog excerpts

Umar Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. MAC/3500 SEAM PROTECTION and CURING SYSTEM This line is designed for protection of weld seam of three-piece cans. It can be used in front of different brand welding machines. This line consists of: - Inside powder Outside wet lacquer roller application Curing system
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1) Inside Seam Protection by Electrostatic Powder Application Unit Completely automatic application system for inside electrostatic powder stripe protection includes: • The main cabinet with vacuum, filtering, distribution and recycling group • Powder application group complete with feeding tank, electronic unit for powder electrostatic charge control, powder arm and powder spray gun with high voltage cascade • On-board electric cabinet with PLC control board 2) Outside Weld Protection with Roller Lacquer • Magnetic connection conveyor to transfer the cans from welders overhand exit...
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