Uf 831 CO - Fixed ultrasonic flow meter for open channel


Catalog excerpts

Uf 831 CO - Fixed ultrasonic flow meter for open channel - 1

Uf 831 open channel & river FREE surface flow Ult rasonic fixed flow meter media measured liquids Channels up to 30m (width) rivers up to 500 m (distance between banks) models single channel multi-channel river high performance high accuracy advanced functions ›U p to four level measurements per channel/river ›A ccurate up to 0.5% › athematical functions M generator › epeatability up to 0.1% R ›U p to 10 input/output modules (analogue, digital) ›G raphic screen ›E cho, gain and quality index displayed › ulti-function data logger M › reakdown of the section B into 20 height/width points and left/right points › ield bus option: Modbus F TCP/Modbus RTU › alculation method as C per standard ISO 6416 › aw flow calculations using L level/velocity standrads › ossibility of integrating P a virtual chord great features › p to eight measurement U points (eight channels) with a single device › p to eight speed chords U on a single channel › Rail probe mounting system for ease of mainteance* adaptable › Connection of all Ultraflux probes or probes already installed* UF 831 typical Applications Waste water: Flow measurement on treatment works inlets/outfalls, flow measurement within treatment process Raw water: Flow measurement in irrigation channels, in rivers up to 500m (distance between banks) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 A1 M7 M8 B1 M9 M10 C1 D1 D2 UF831 LEXAN INF V3V7V11V15C * please enquire expert in flow meters s i n c e 1 974

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Uf 831 CO - Fixed ultrasonic flow meter for open channel - 2

Uf 831 CO / Uf 831 RV model si ngl e channe l mult i-channel r iver N at ur e o f e q uipme nt Fixed W i dt h o f chan n e l Up to 30m in clear water use Flow measurement in a channel with the ability to incorporate up to eight speed chords (optimum accuracy for difficult hydraulic conditions) in put/o ut put › With Field bus option: up to 5 programmable input/output modules › Without Field bus option: up to 10 programmable input/output modules 3 to 6 man dato r y base mo d ul e s › isolated active analogue output: current 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-24mA 1 › static relay digital outputs (50 V - 10...

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All ULTRAFLUX catalogs and technical brochures

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