Catalog excerpts

Heating Solutions INDUCTION HEATING ■ Improved energy efficiency ■ Higher degree of controllability Low-power induction heating systems with water-cooled and air-cooled options Advanced, cost effective power supplies utilizing the latest switching power supply Induction Heating with adaptive digital phase control providing very efficient operation in a wide frequency range Reliable, modular system, easy to maintain and service Flexible, wide range load impedance matching by utilizing multiple transformer ratios and configurable tank capacitance Configured to operate with external Heat Stations allowing output connections to be available from all sides Durable design, loaded with safety and diagnostics features Brazing, Shrink fitting, Annealing, Soldering, Carbide Tipping, Curing, Catheter tipping, Getter Firing, Bonding, Heating, Material Testing, Plastic Reflow, Susceptor Heating, Nanoparticle Research
Open the catalog to page 1
Heating Solutions ■ Output regulation - Voltage, Power, Current ■ Limits Setting - Current, DC Volts, Output Volts, Power, Frequency ■ Compact air cooled power supply design with ■ Operator controls - Selectable: Automatic, Remote or Local ■ Capable of delivering full power in the ■ Variable ratio output isolation transformer for load matching of a wide range of loads and coils ■ Optional RS232/485 interface for remote computer monitoring, control and diagnostics ■ Power control from 1 to 100% in 1% increments ■ 5 Programs with 9 programmable parameters ■ 0-10V or 4-20mA external control...
Open the catalog to page 2All Ultraflex Power catalogs and technical brochures
UltraHeat S 5kW
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UPT-M/Air Series
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EasyCast D
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EasyMelt Air
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UltraMelt EC
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2 Pages
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UltraHeat N Series
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UltraHeat MF Series
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UltraHeat LN Series
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