UltraDry UD


Catalog excerpts

UltraDry UD - 1

Patented refrigeration dryer ultra.dry The cost saving effect of the patented ultra.dry refrigeration dryer trol, for example, in single shift operation an During pauses in operation, at times of low from 380 € to 4700 € a year due to the on-off demands and downtime, ultra.dry refrigeration Compared to a dryer with hot gas bypass conultra.dry refrigeration dryer ensures a saving of regulation of the compressor. dryers save energy. The control system operates without preset run-on periods. The integrated thermal mass ensures that the system is ready for operation at all times. A further advantage of ultra.dry refrigeration dryers is the very low pressure drop. annual cost reduction of 1123 € Annual energy saving ensured by patented thermal mass technology Refrigeration dryer with hot gas bypass control Patented refrigeration dryer ultra.dry Pressure dewpoint Energy comsumption per year in kWh Energy cost per year in € Your compressed air specialist: This energy saving example is base on: Industrial production with two shifts, a five day week (4000 operating hours a year) and a electricity price of 9 Eurocent per kWh. Technical alterations reserved (1/2007) ultrafilter gmbh Otto-Hahn-Str. 1 • 40721 Hilden • Germany Tel: +49(0)2103.33 36 0 • Fax +49(0)2103.33 36 36 e-Mail: info@ultra-filter.de • www.ultra-filter.de

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UltraDry UD - 2

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ultra.dry: the innovative energy saving dryers Why compressed air drying? Compressed air is an indispensable energy for propulsion and processing in many areas of Low differential pressure guarantees additional energy savings Quality products with 5 years functional guarantee ultra.control: the intelligent microprocessor dryer control In order to produce ultra.dry refrigeration Technical information ultra.dry Model UD The innovative ultra.control technology is Effective power consumption Power supply The air/air and refrigerant/air heat exchan- dryers, only the best...

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