Catalog excerpts

Measurably better value BIG ON PERFORMANCE SMALL ON SIZE Hero shot (to be provided) 1.3GHz and 2.7GHz -115dBm Noise Floor* Touch or Hard Key control * Noise floor <10MHz = -110dBm PSA1303 & PSA2703 RF Spectrum Analyzers aimtti.com
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BIG PERFORMANCE -115dBm noise floor* Twin markers, Peak track smart markers Frequency pre-set and setup store Live view and reference traces Trace, Normal, Peak and Trace Average modes U01 Extended feature set: limit lines, data logging, sweep trigger Compensation tables Custom presets Truly portable, only 0.58 kg A lightweight and truly handheld instrument that incorporates an extensive feature set. A ruggedized casing with a removable sun screen/screen protector to enhance field use. The 4.3” TFT with 3 row hierarchical menu system provides rapid access to all features. Additional Hard...
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KEY FEATURES f 1MHz to 1300MHz or 2700MHz frequency range f Resolution bandwidths of 300Hz to 10MHz 1:3:10 f -115dBm* typical noise floor at -40dBm reference level f Measurement in dBm or dBµV, mV or µW f Zero span mode with AM and FM audio demodulation f Trace modes of normal, peak hold and trace average f Live, View and Reference traces in contrasting colours f Twin markers with readout of absolute and difference values f Smart marker movement with selectable peak tracking f Frequency counter with 10Hz Resolution f Frequency presets and independent state storage f Auto-find automatically...
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SMALL ON SIZE... BATTERY OPERATION OF UP TO 6 HOURS The PSA Series 3 operates from a Li-ion rechargeable battery that can provide up to 6 hours of continuous operation. It can also be set to switch off automatically after a set time from the last action. For continuous bench top operation, it can be powered from its AC adapter which also recharges the battery in less than 3 hours. On pressing the power button, the instrument comes to life almost instantly, with the first sweep available in under 2 seconds. GENUINELY HAND-HELD The PSA Series 3 is sufficiently small and lightweight to fit...
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PACKED WITH FEATURES VERTICAL EXPANSION The vertical resolution of 10dB per division can be expanded to 5dB, 2dB or 1dB with panning over the full dynamic range. TRACE WRITE MODES In addition to the normal mode, the trace can be set to display Peak-hold, or a Multi-sweep Average. INTUITIVE MENU SYSTEM ZERO SPAN AUDIO DEMODULATION Ease of use was a major consideration in the design of the PSA Series 3. The menu system provides rapid access to menu groups, each of which has sub menus, each with their own function keys. The PSA Series 3 includes a zero span mode with both AM or FM audio...
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EXTENDED FEATURES OPTION U01 Option U01 is a firmware upgrade that increases the capabilities of the PSA series 3 to include the following features TRIGGERED SWEEP* The standard sweep modes of continuous repeat and single shot can be extended to include triggered sweeps from an external signal or internal limits comparison. LIMIT PATTERNS AND LIMITS COMPARATOR* Limit lines and patterns can be defined which can be simply visual aids or create automatic actions. Zone restriction can be applied. A single or dual line limits comparator can be used to generate audible warnings, output signals,...
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OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES f FIRMWARE UPGRADE U01 Option U01 is a firmware upgrade that can be purchased and installed by the user at any time. It increases the capabilities of the PSA1303 or PSA2703 Note: Option U01 is pre-installed within the PSA1303USC and PSA2703USC products. This soft fitted case offers high impact resilience. and provides protection for the PSA1303 or PSA2703 when in transit. It has storage space for the power adaptor, cables, and other accessories. Order code: PSA-SC Note: The case is included with the PSA1303USC and PSA2703USC products. The connection kit comprises a...
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT DISPLAYED AVERAGE NOISE LEVEL (DANL) DANL: FREQUENCY SPAN: Frequency Range: Centre frequency plus Span, or Start frequency plus Stop frequency Maximum Span: Minimum Span: 27 kHz, or Zero Span with demodulation Setting Accuracy: Reference Frequency Accuracy for Start, Stop & Centre (Zero-Span) frequencies Better than -155 dBm/Hz equivalent Setting Modes: Better than -115 dBm from 11MHz to 2.7GHz Better than -100 dBm from 1MHz to 10MHz (ref. level = -40 dBm, RBW = 10 kHz, VBW = 1 kHz, span 1 MHz) REFERENCE FREQUENCY ACCURACY Initial Accuracy:...
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INTERNAL STORAGE Option U01 is a firmware upgrade that provides additional capabilities as follows: Internal Disk: External Storage: USB host interface for removable USB Flash drives. LIMIT LINES AND PATTERNS Store Trace: Up to 999 traces can be stored under either default file names or user entered file names. Traces are stored as tables of amplitude versus frequency and can be imported into other programs, as well as being recalled to the screen. Up to two limits can be displayed together. Lines are defined by dB value, Patterns are created as files by PSA-Manager and loaded from memory...
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OTHER RANGES AVAILABLE POWER SUPPLIES & LOADS LINEAR POWER SUPPLIES MIXED-MODE POWER SUPPLIES POWERFLEX POWER SUPPLIES � 30w to 1200w Single and Multi channel PSUs for bench-top or remote control and system use. � Flexible electronic DC loads for general purpose applications. WAVEFORM GENERATORS PULSE GENERATORS DIGITAL ANALOG ARBITRARY GENERATORS FUNCTION GENERATORS FUNCTION GENERATORS � Analog and Digital (DDS) function generators with frequency capability up to 240MHz. � Dedicated pulse generators with true pulse capability. � True variable-clock arbitrary generators with up to four...
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EXCELLENCE THROUGH EXPERIENCE Aim-TTi is the trading name of Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd. (TTi), one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of test and measurement instruments. The company has wide experience in the design and manufacture of advanced test instruments and power supplies built up over more than thirty years. The company is based in the United Kingdom, and all products are built at the main facility in Huntingdon, close to the famous university city of Cambridge. TRACEABLE QUALITY SYSTEMS TTi is an ISO9001 registered company operating fully traceable quality systems for all...
Open the catalog to page 12All TTI catalogs and technical brochures
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