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Catalog excerpts

Rota - 1

w TRELLEBORG Rota Specialized Solution

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Rota - 2

rota's genetic heritage technology and performance TrelleborgGroup is well known throughout the world for its long-time exprience in lab research, leading expertise In rubber compoundlng and for its tradition In advanced rnanufacturing techniques. ROTtoday is the combinaison of almost looycarsof "GermanTechnology" tradition and thclatcsl innovation in polymer maie riais produced in Trelleborg s R&D Labs. Asa premlum brand of Trelleborg. Rota represents topquality products, giving maximum reliabiltty and high cost-eff逮ciency. The whole product range has been developed in close collaboration...

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Rota - 3

The winning recipe Rota cornes with a highly diversified range ot solld rubber tires, available in a wide variety of sizes. patterns, constructions and compounds.offering spcial solutions such as electrkally conductive tires (for use in manufacturing facilities where there are risks of explosion), and non-marking tires (suitablefor areas where cleanliness is crucial or for industrial floor surfaces with highly specialized requirements). Four worldwide Research & Development hubs allow Rota tires to take advantage of the latest technology such as advanced nanoscale studies: nanotechnologies,...

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Rota - 4

15% higherenergyefficiency Efficiency improvcmcnt Icads to important bcncfits in terms of energy consumption, durabitity and performance, allowing an optimal usage of the machines* Lowerfuel consumption equalsa savingof moncyand brings an incrcase in terms of Urne availability (amountof hoursworked by the machine divided by the total amount of working hours). Electric forklift trucks are particularly involved.since battery recharging time causes a huge loss of productivit Moreover, increasing the energy efficiency leads to positive effects on the environmental situation of our planet. For...

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Rota - 5


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Rota - 6

ROTA Loadcapjctty (kg) Other vcWdes (traitera) Krording to n*w ETtTO fUncUrcK

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Rota - 7

available tread patterns VP15 VPjo available compounds ^mnj Natup - Non-marking compound tha doesn't Icave tire marks on any surface. This compound ts partlcularly designed for use on sensitive floors. It s not electrcally conductlve or anti-stattc. Vehlcles equipped with this compound have to be grounded prior to use In Inflammable areas or where there is a risk of explosion TJ^j Elf -This electrfcallyconduding compound Is designed for use In Inflammable areas or areas wfth danger of explosion. The conductivity is in accordance t勤t he guiding principlesofWdK-no.iio,classi. ELF tires arc...

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Rota - 8

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:8.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:9.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:10.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:19.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:5.00pt "Tahoma", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:9.00pt "Tahoma", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:11.00pt "Tahoma", sans-serif; } .font9 { font:16.00pt "Tahoma", sans-serif; } european sales offices RHGIUM TREUIBORG WHEEL...

Open the catalog to page 8

All Trelleborg Wheel Systems catalogs and technical brochures

  1. T-900

    2 Pages

  2. TR-900

    2 Pages

  3. TM800_2023

    8 Pages

  4. TM700_2023

    8 Pages

  5. TM600_2023

    8 Pages

  6. TM2000_2023

    2 Pages

  7. 2023 TM3000

    8 Pages

  8. 2024 TM150

    8 Pages

  9. TM100_2023

    2 Pages

  10. TM1060

    8 Pages

  11. ProTEX

    2 Pages

  12. TUBES

    344 Pages

  13. T418 Skidder

    2 Pages

  14. TM90

    12 Pages

  15. TM 90

    12 Pages

  16. Marshland

    2 Pages

  17. Watts POS

    2 Pages

  18. Sherpa

    2 Pages

  19. hpt-qz4

    2 Pages

  20. dl-qz1

    2 Pages

  21. TH400

    8 Pages

  22. TM Blue

    12 Pages

  23. Infinity

    8 Pages

  24. Orca

    2 Pages

  25. Monarch

    4 Pages

  26. Mastersolid

    2 Pages

  27. Monarch M²

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. ProHD

    2 Pages

  2. TM1060 - 2018

    16 Pages

  3. DUO 500

    4 Pages

  4. TM100_2015

    2 Pages

  5. 2015 TM150

    8 Pages

  6. 2015 TM3000

    4 Pages

  7. TM2000_2012

    2 Pages

  8. TM100_2012

    2 Pages

  9. TM600_2012

    8 Pages

  10. TM700_2012

    8 Pages

  11. TM800_2011

    8 Pages

  12. TR-900

    4 Pages

  13. T-900

    2 Pages

  14. T-800

    2 Pages