Catalog excerpts
Trelleborg ABEnvironmental Report 2000 >
Open the catalog to page 1At the beginning of the 1990s, the Trelle-borg Group comprised, in addition to theoriginal polymer operations (primarily rub-ber products), mining and metals opera-tions, mineral processing and trading activi-ties. During the latter part of the 1990s, theGroup was restructured and activities out-side the polymer operations were divested,creating a substantially changed Trelleborg.A number of significant acquisitions weremade during the years 1999-2000. Theacquisitions included the antivibration oper-ations (BTR AVS) of the British Invensyscompany, with sales of approximately > The...
Open the catalog to page 6The Trelleborg Group Worldwide Group Center > Trelleborg Wheel Systems > Trelleborg Engineered Systems > Trelleborg Building Systems >
Open the catalog to page 7The rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) requiresa warm and humid climate, which explainswhy rubber plantations are found in a zoneround the equator. Today, more than 90percent of all natural rubber comes from Southeast Asia. The largest producers areThailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, which together account for 80 percent of worldproduction. There are also rubber planta-tions in South America and Africa.Rubber trees grow to a height of approx-imately 20 meters. Tapping of the trees forlatex can begin seven years after sowing, andthe yield is highest when the trees are tenyears old. A rubber tree...
Open the catalog to page 8Chloroprene rubber (CR) ishighly suitable for products that are intend- ed for outdoor use or which could come into contact with oil or gasoline. A typical product is the outer layer of rubber in oil hoses. Butyl rubber is particularly suitablefor use in products designed to prevent gases from penetrating through the material. Among other applications, it is used in inner tubes for tires. > Rubber trees grow to a height of approximately20 meters. Tapping of the trees for latex can begin seven years after sowing,and the yieldis highest when the trees are ten years old. A rubber tree can be...
Open the catalog to page 9CompoundFunction FillersCarbon black is a fine powder that is added to strengthen and fill the rubber. Chalk can also be used as a filler.Vulcanizing ingredientsOther substances in addition to sulfur can be used to influence the properties of rubber. The vulcanization speed is governed by accelerators and the process is initiated by activators.Aging inhibitorsVarious substances can be added to increase the lifespan of products. Examples are antioxidants and anti-ozonants,which protect against the effects of contact with the air.SoftenersSofteners are added to control product hardness and...
Open the catalog to page 10Environment/workenvironment aspectPriority levelExamples of possible health and environmental impacts Localization Local disturbance due to noise, transports and unpleasant odors.Soil and groundwater Contamination of soil and groundwater.Consumption of natural resources Environmental impact from rubber plantations during production of natural rubber. Utilization(raw materials)of nonrenewable resources during production of synthetic rubbers and other polymers.Consumption of natural resources Utilization of nonrenewable resources (oil, natural gas). Clean water is a scarce resource in(water,...
Open the catalog to page 13Environment-related activities within theTrelleborg Group are decentralized andbased on the individual operations of thedifferent plants. Formal responsibility for the environmental, health and safety issuestherefore resides within the various line orga-nizations. Site managers are key personnel inthis context and are required to managetheir operations in accordance with: ҕlegal and other requirements (e.g. custo-mer requirements),TrelleborgՒs environmental policy, environ-mental management manual, environmen-tal standards and position papers, requirements of ISO 14001.There are...
Open the catalog to page 14Interviews Օ Document studies InspectionUncertainties oridentified risks Phase 1 > No,or limited,environmental risks Phase 2 Environmental risksno obstacle to transaction Planning and implementation ofsoil surveys > 17 size="-1">
Open the catalog to page 17Other 0.01% Oil 21% Electricity 41% Natural gas 35% Coal 3% >
Open the catalog to page 21Chemical Environment/Health impactStatus > SolventsGive rise to local air pollu-Changed processes and,in some cases,tants. Health impact in the a transition to water-based substitutes work environment.have reduced use.Chlorinated Some are suspected to causeUse of chlorinated solvents has decreased solventscancer and other health prob-or ceased at many plants. lems. In the outdoor environ- ment,they contribute to dep- letion of the ozone layer.MOCACancer-classified accelerator. The substance is used on a few sites in polyurethane manufacturing.ETUAccelerator classified as a Still used within...
Open the catalog to page 23External transport and disposal > 11% Internal waste management Purchased raw materials > Other countries Sweden 18% 19% Other Nordic countries 3% > North America 22% Other European countries 38% > 20001999 Average no. of Group employees12,39712,655Women (%)2023 Men (%)8077Average no. of employees in Sweden2,2504,434Women (%)3027 Men %7073Average no. of employees outside Sweden10,1478,221Women %1821Men %8279 26 size="-1">
Open the catalog to page 26has been clarified, however, and we know thatthe greatest exposure to chemical particlestakes place during the first stages of produc- tion, i.e. the handling of raw materials, and the weighing and mixing of compound ingredients. Solvents are used primarily atthe coating and compounding stages. The vulcanization process itself generates vapor and gases containing hundreds of different substances, such as benzene, aromatic hydro-carbons and nitrosamines. Finally, during thehandling and warehousing of finished prod-ucts, gaseous substances are emitted.Trelleborg monitors the development...
Open the catalog to page 28Rubber has many properties that provide forbetter comfort and safety and an improvedhuman environment. Many of Trelleborgsproducts are used for the damping of noiseand vibration in cars and trains. Similarproperties are utilized in industrial applica-tions, e.g. the damping of vibrations inmachines and other equipment. Anotherimportant area consists of rubber seals forwindows and doors, where the environmen-tal gains lie in the saving of energy andreduction of noise.Rubber also has other favorable attributes,in that the material constitutes a durablemembrane that is impenetrable for both...
Open the catalog to page 29All Trelleborg Wheel Systems catalogs and technical brochures
Trelleborg tires range
8 Pages
TM700 ProgressiveTraction®
12 Pages
TM1000 ProgressiveTraction®
12 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
TM900 High Power_2023
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
Trelleborg Premia
2 Pages
Twin Forestry_2023
12 Pages
TM1000 High Power_2023
16 Pages
2023 TM3000
8 Pages
2024 TM150
8 Pages
2 Pages
Brawler HD Skid Steer 2024
2 Pages
Agro Industrial range
8 Pages
Dual Mounting Systems
10 Pages
8 Pages
ProHD_Maximum productivity
2 Pages
2 Pages
344 Pages
PREMIA Balanced Performance
2 Pages
Construction series
16 Pages
2 Pages
T418 Skidder
2 Pages
Twin Radial_2015
8 Pages
12 Pages
Trelleborg Wheel Systems
8 Pages
T410 Agroforest
2 Pages
TM 90
12 Pages
2 Pages
Implement Standard
2 Pages
technical data TM900
2 Pages
Twin Implement
2 Pages
Watts POS
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Wheels for Agriculture
6 Pages
Twin Radial 710/50R26.5
2 Pages
8 Pages
TM Blue
12 Pages
Industrial Wheels
20 Pages
8 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Trelleborg POS
8 Pages
Trelleborg Excavator
2 Pages
Trelleborg SKS-900
4 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Monarch M²
2 Pages
Bergougnan Elite XP
12 Pages
Trelleborg Expert
4 Pages
Visual Folder
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
TM1060 - 2018
16 Pages
4 Pages
DUO 500
4 Pages
TH400 Agro Industrial
8 Pages
2 Pages
2015 TM150
8 Pages
2015 TM3000
4 Pages
Twin Forestry_2012
2 Pages
Trelleborg Premia
2 Pages
Twin Radial_2012
8 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
TM900 High Power_2012
8 Pages
TM1000 High Power_2012
12 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages