Catalog excerpts

TS 2730/32/34 Roller Conveyor with belt transfer TECHNICAL DATASHEET CURVE CONVEYING ZERO PRESSURE ACCUMULATION The TS 2730 roller conveyor system offers a flexible and economical solution on the basis of 24 V technology for linking workstations in order-picking, storage and production zones to main lines and collection lines. The same naturally applies to connectivity with labellers, box closers and palletizing systems. Especially in combination with outfeed conveyors, complete order-picking and shipping departments can be equipped, as well as incoming/outgoing goods zones. Zero-pressure accumulation enables the transport of sensitive loads and various box qualities. The essential modules of the TS 2730 are: Straight roller conveyor TS 2732 Roller curve 30° - 90° TS 2730 Lift-up roller transfer 90° TS 2733 Lift-up roller transfer straight or angled TS 2734 A key feature is the full-range systems approach to all modules and components, enabling not only many layout combinations but also retrofitted adjustments to modified conveyor loads, e.g. through different lengths of the accumulation sections. Of special value is the high efficiency of the virtually maintenance-free system, particularly in the medium throughput range. For this purpose, motorised rollers requiring less electrical output - compared to conventional drives - are used. TECHNICAL ADVANTAGES Standardized, economical solution Compact/flat design Driven by motor rollers (24V technology) Low installed electrical output required Option of round belt transfer drive or poly-V-belt transfer drive Low maintenance and service friendly Extremly low-noise operation Zero-pressure accumulation w/o compressed air Quick and easy retrofitted adjustments FIELDS OF APPLICATION Distribution centres of retailers, logistics services, parcel services Sorting lines in box and bin conveyor systems as well as packaging and palletizing lines Connectivity to labelling, box closers, palletizing systems etc. OEMs in machinery and conveyor systems engineering Connectivity of procution lines and outgoing/ incoming loops Typical loads: boxes, bins, trays and unit loads with a surface suitable for roller conveyors LEISTUNGS-ECKDATEN Conveyor speed max. 1.5 m/s Weight load max. 50 kg/m Conveyor nominal width 400 - 1,000 mm Accumulating/Timing (single discharge) e. g. box length 350 mm max. 1,400 pcs/h Outfeed performance (TS 2733) max. 1,800 pcs/h
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MAIN DIMENSIONS Technical Data Roller Curve TS 2730 BN Nominal width Nominal radius Technical Data Roller Conveyor TS 2732 BN Conveyor length Roller diameter several motor roller DR Roller diameter Roller pitch Roller pitch inside Lenght straight extension LBZW Length straight extension
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DRIVE Accumulation Control Roller Drive Belt Design Round Belt Decentral control box for accumulation. One Belt type depends on application and per- U = 24 V DC Power supply locally or through box per roller drive is needed. Box is closely TRANSNORM : 24 V- supply up to 10 accumu- Please contact our sales department. lation sections. DESIGN Accumulating Conveyor (motor drive section) TS 2732 Roller Quadrat of Roller Curve TS 2734 Projection of roller curve Generally each of this conveyor modules must have at least one drive roller, as the number of driven rollers per motor drive is limited....
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C-Profil-Side Guide Electrical lift-up roller conveyor TS 2733 The electircal lift-up roller conveyor discharges loads in both directions by 90°. The modules is used in sorting and distribtuting ines of industry and distribution centres. Please refer to datasheet TS 2733. APPLICATION (EXAMPLE) The S bend is a typical This is an outfeed situation with application example roller quadrat and roller curve. This is a common configuration used in many conveyor systems. www.transnorm.com TRANSNORM SYSTEM GmbH | Förster Str. 2 | 31177 Harsum | Germany | Telephone: +49 5127 402-0 | e-Mail:...
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