Catalog excerpts

TS 1600-140 Belt Curve Conveyor TECHNICAL DATASHEET FLUENT CHANGE OF DIRECTION LOW MAINTENANCE EASY IMPLEMENTATION A total load of up to 250 kilograms is no problem for the “jumbo” among the TRANSNORM curves. With a standard nominal width of up to 1,600 mm, the jumbo curve represents an important component in heavily loaded collecting lines or for transport lines with large-volume loads. The curve meets the highest requirements in terms of performance and reliability. The helix version of the TS 1600-140 curve, in addition to correctly positioning loads, also overcomes height differences. In this, loads with a total weight of up to 160 kilograms at an angle of inclination of up to 18 degrees at the inner radius can be easily conveyed upwards. The 1600 series combines peak performance and reliability with an integrated design concept. This concept has allowed for a reduced effective space requirement of the conveyor in the plant layout, along with simplified overall handling, right down to belt changes. The modular configuration as a bolted aluminum design enables easy integration of this key component into a wide array of conveyor systems. Continuous product developments, e.g. in the area of innovative materials or energy balance, safeguard the lead position of the product in the world market. TECHNICAL ADVANTAGES Weight load up to 250 kg Fluent change of direction even at high speed Optimized regarding performace and reliability, robuste design with low weight Optimized regarding weight, space and installation Patented belt guidance technology and conical pulleys for high reliability and quiet operation Belt drive with low tension over the whole belt width allows for extremely long life Belt suppport made of composite wood with special surface for energy-saving belt operation FIELDS OF APPLICATION Airport Baggage handling and parcel conveyor systems Heavy load unit load and bin conveyor systems OEM in machinery industry KEY PERFORMANCE DATA Conveyor speed Weight load Inner radius Conveyor nominal width Conveyor angle max. 3.0 m/s max. 250* kg 900 - 2,000 mm 800 - 1,600 mm 30° - 180° * Helix-Curve with different val
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Flat Curve MAIN DIMENSIONS Technical Design Technical Data Standard Design mm 1,500 Pulley diameter at outer radius Conveyor speed at centre radius, max. Configuration Drive Side guide Shaft-mounted motor (M1/M4), Spur gear motor with tooth belt Flat profile guide Galvanised steel BASIC DESIGN AND DRIVE POSITIONS 1 outer right ing directio nvey n Co right cw left ccw inner left
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Helix MAIN DIMENSIONS Technical Data Standard Design Technical Design Outfeed height (HFEI+HFDF) Inner gradient angle profile, max. Pulley diameter at outer radius Conveyor speed at centre radius, max. Configuration Drive Side guide Support HELIX DESIGN EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS Shaft-mounted motor (M1/M4), Spur gear motor with tooth belt steel side guide Galvanised steel
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www.transnorm.com TRANSNORM SYSTEM GmbH | Förster Str. 2 | 31177 Harsum | Germany | Telephone: +49 5127 402-0 | e-Mail: info@transnorm.com Subject to technical modification | © TRANSNORM SYSTEM GmbH 2020 | TS 1600-140 EN V5.0
Open the catalog to page 4All Transnorm System GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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