Catalog excerpts

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Eco-friendly Air Jet Loom to Create a Prosperous Future As the best-selling air jet loom, the JAT series looms are used by customers all around the world. Based on the JAT concept "Weaving the highest quaility fabric at the lowest possible cost", Toyota has embodied the desire to continue developing together with our customers while grasping the needs that change with time. We will continue to contribute to the realization of sustainable society and the creation of a prosperous future through our air jet looms. High Level of Basic Performance Proposal of Automation Technology Improving the...
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Newly Designed Weft Insertion System Achieves Further Ene rgy Saving Performance The JAT series, which has been a world leader in energy saving performance, has evolved to further reduce air pressure and consumption. Toyota introduces the "i-SENSOR" weft insertion system. The world's first (*) weft sensing technology that detects weft insertion timing as the yarn is passing in REALTIME. The system then recommends proper adjustments of insertion timings to improve overall loom performance. (*)Based on Toyota research i-SENSOR Automatically Optimizes Weft Insertion Settings i-SENSOR i-SENSOR...
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Toyota Innovation that Pursues the Highest Quality and Relia bility to the Utmost Extent The JAT series boasts a high level of performance factors for basic operations. Inheriting that gene, the JAT910 has further evolved achieving remarkable power reduction, improved speeds, while lowering vibration levels. This was accomplished by improving the performance of the main motor, the main control unit, and optimizing the loom design. Advancements were also made in the stop mark prevention system to provide customers with the highest reliability. Power Consumption Comparison By adopting a...
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Advanced Weaving Management System That Fulfills a Smart Factory Toyota's FACT (FACTory Management System) is a factory management support system that was introduced with the JAT810 model to maximize the efficiency of the weaving process. This system has evolved with the JAT910 into "FACT-plus" with improved factory automation functions. FACT-plus support the smooth factory operation Read here for new functions of FACT-plus by making optimal proposals to "Machines" and "Operators", and facilitating cooperation with existing factory management systems. Production Control Office Weaving Process...
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Enhanced Original Electronic Shedding Technology Toyota's original E-shed technology has evolved since its launch in 2000. The 4th generation E-shed model offers Cross-timing Selection Screen (Dwell angle) the customer to weave challenging fabrics at high speed. Easy adjustment of dwell angles and cross-timings for each frame via the function panel. New multi-control system allows to set dwell angle and cross-timing on each pick for higher weavability. further energy savings by optimizing the shedding control movement and introduces a new function that allows Toyota Original Electronic...
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Terry Model That Achieves High Productivity and Superior Quality with a Variety of Products Based on the basic principles and performance of the JAT810, the newly designed pile motion and tension control mechanism achieve high productivity and superior quality with a varieties of styling from gauze towels to Excellent Operability With a Variety of Options bath mats that will satisfy all customer needs. Worker-friendly forward/reverse switch box position LED lights linked to the machine's operation design significantly improves warp-handling efficiency. workability when connecting warp yarn....
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Various Options for Diverse Applications Air Gripper System (AGS) Gripper airflow Multi-tandem Nozzle Flexible Insertion System (FIS) 1) Dimensions shown in the table at left apply to the case of a model with the following specifications. Sub tank (high pressure) Timing control Timing control This system eliminates dropped picks of stretch yarn, while preventing damage to covered yarns. Main nozzle pressure can be set independently for each pick according to the weft insertion pattern. Additionally, the sub nozzle's pressure can be switched between high and low pressure for each pick. The FIS...
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Best Customer Service World-wide Toyota provides a full range of services specially tailored to individual customers, from consultation for pre-installation of looms (Pre-service) to installation and after-sales service. For preparation before delivery of the loom, Toyota supervisor will consult at the customer's factory site upon request. Toyota supervisor will visit customer's factory and provide advice, ranging from loom installation to operational guidance. Global service base ❶ Japan ❷ Korea ❸ China (Shanghai, Shaoxing, Wujiang, Shandong, Changzhou, Lanxi) ❹ Vietnam ❺ Thailand ❻...
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