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Catalog excerpts

FL200 - 2

The Convergence of Advanced Technology and Tradition The new FL200 was born out of Toyota’s unending pursuit of the ideal roving frame, one that enables anyone to spin high-quality roving at high speeds, the aim of the original FL100. The three-motor drive established in the FL100 has evolved and developed into a four-motor drive, and the latest in servo technology and dramatically improved CPU performance provides even greater accuracy and control. New intelligent features have been added to the FL200, enabling the machine to “think for itself” and become a detailoriented assistant...

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FL200 - 3

10.4-inch color function panel

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FL200 - 4

Outstanding Productivity

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FL200 - 5

High-speed flyer To maintain optimum output quality in highspeed operation, the FL200 uses a flyer designed especially for high-speed performance. An internal stainless steel tubular roving guide connecting directly to the presser protects against the adverse effects of air turbulence, dust, and fly in high-speed production. As a result, the FL200 operates dependably at speeds up to 1,500 rpm. Advanced control system ensures simple, easy production of optimal packages operation. The more this learning function is used, the greater the consistency in the roving packages. A test run is...

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FL200 - 6

High-Quality Roving High-performance sensors, a newly developed CPU, and the latest in servo technology deliver the ultimate in winding tension control In addition, the computer stores settings according to various criteria—flyer speed, fiber type, etc.—and automatically sets the appropriate tension, eliminating the need for frequent setup adjustments. The merging of servo technology providing optimal control functions and the newly developed four-motor drive system into this high-performance tension controller delivers the ultimate in winding tension control. The combination of a...

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FL200 - 7

Four-roller drafting system for smooth, soft roving The FL200 is equipped with the four-roller drafting system proven effective and favorably evaluated by customers. This system places a collector between the front and second rollers, separating drafting and collecting zones for superior roving softness and smoothness. Three-roller drafting system Four-roller D-type drafting system Creel tension fine adjustment mechanism OPTION When roving combed cotton, sliver is stretched slightly in feeding from can to drafting section. The degree of elongation and thus the evenness of the roving can...

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FL200 - 8

Simple Operation, High Reliability, and Easy Maintainability Large color function panel A 10.4-inch, 2-language color function panel equipped with a Web browser improves interface ability. Connection to an internal or external network is possible for exchange of information or data, thereby expanding the capability of today’s spinning mills. Function panel Setting functions • Spinning conditions • Roving bobbin formation • Flyer speed control (automatic optimum pattern calculation, speed control pattern graph display) • Stop sequence operation, etc. Monitoring functions • Production volume...

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FL200 - 9

Automatic roving-end positioning device for easy restarting The need for manual procedures is further reduced through automatic roving-end attachment. When the bobbin rail is raised to the restart position after doffing and new bobbin insertion, the machine restarts in reverse at low speed for a certain period and then switches to normal rotation. Roving ends are automatically positioned and pressed tightly against the bobbins to begin winding. High-twist roving cutting function An extra twist is applied locally prior to lowering the full bobbin in order to protect the area where the roving...

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FL200 - 10

FRD Stationary Doffer for Roving Frames Toyota’s FRD stationary doffer for roving frames has forks that simultaneously hang on the full bobbins and empty bobbins, thus dramatically reducing the stoppage time required during doffing. Downtime is 3.5 minutes, the shortest in the world. Because it’s simply designed and independent of the roving frame, maintenance is easy. Toyota guarantees that the FRD will give stable doffing. Operation Sequence Forks move forward Forks grasp full bobbins Forks simultaneously grasp full and empty bobbins The shortest doffing machine stoppage time in the world...

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FL200 - 11

Model FL200 (440 mm staff) (Unit: mm) Dimensions Number of spindles Model FL200 (520 mm staff) Dimensions Number of spindles' ——_ Main Specifications (Unit: mm) Clearer Feeding can Creel Power required High speed Positive intermittent revolving clearer with comb Up to 508 mm (20") diameter x 1,150 mm (45") high Positive revolving feed roller with extended creel (single sliver feed system) Special devices (included) Operation and maintenance Automation Automatic flyer speed control with inverter Automatic tension controller, roving irregularity prevention, roving stop at set length/position,...

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FL200 - 12

Total worldwide customer service Toyota offers a full range of services, from plant layout consulting to machinery installation and after-sales service. The Toyota Textile Machinery Training Center provides a variety of training courses which precisely match the needs and abilities of individual customers. Toyota also helps train customers’ technical engineers from around the world. 1. Plant layout Before the delivery of machinery, Toyota proposes an installation layout which is designed to optimally suit a customer’s plant. 2. Installation A Toyota expert supervises installation and...

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All Toyota Textile machinery catalogs and technical brochures

  1. RX300

    12 Pages

  2. LWT810

    6 Pages

  3. JAT810

    16 Pages