Catalog excerpts

® 18.5M 09-13: Order No. 10626 | Timken is a registered trademark of The Timken Company. | © 2013 The Timken Company | Printed in U.S.A. cylindrical roller bearing catalog tiMKen MiniatUre and tHin-Section bearingS catalog The Timken team applies their know-how to improve the reliability and performance of machinery in diverse markets worldwide. The company designs, makes and markets high-performance steel as well as mechanical components, including bearings, gears, chain and related mechanical power transmission products and services.
Open the catalog to page 1
Miniature and thin-Section BearingS cataLog index Timken Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 radial retainer Sealed Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 radial retainer Flanged Sealed Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Pivot Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 High-Speed Angular-Contact non-Separable Bearings . . . . . . . . . 70 High-Speed Angular-Contact Flanged non-Separable Bearings 74 Bearing Selection Process . . . ....
Open the catalog to page 3
TIMKEN overview groW Stronger With tiMKen every day, people around the world count on the strength of Timken. Our expertise in metallurgy, friction management and mechanical power transmission helps them accelerate improvements in productivity and uptime. we supply products and services that can help keep your operations moving forward, whether you need drivetrain kits for commercial vehicles, durable housings for bearings in dirty environments, precision bearings for industrial motion control systems, medical and health equipment and precision robotics, or other products and services for...
Open the catalog to page 4
TIMKEN Overview PreciSion BearingS for MiSSion-criticaL aPPLicationS Timken is known for high-quality bearings, engineered steel and mechanical power transmission components. Timken also designs and produces specialized integral assemblies, using precision bearings mated with components manufactured to extremely tight tolerances. integral assemblies provide the ultimate bearing solution by avoiding tolerance stack-ups. when precise fits are required for system accuracy, we can match fit bearings and components for higher yields and lower costs. Our integrated assembly designs are offered in...
Open the catalog to page 5
INTroducTIoN how to use this catalog hoW to uSe thiS cataLog we designed this catalog to help you find the Timken® bearings best suited to your specifications. Timken offers an extensive range of bearings and accessories in both imperial and metric sizes. For your convenience, size ranges are indicated in inches and millimeters. Contact your Timken engineer to learn more about our complete product line for the special needs of your application. This publication contains dimensions, tolerances and load ratings, as well as engineering sections describing fitting practices for shafts and...
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INTroducTIoN SHELF LIFE AND STORAGE OF GREASE-LUBRICATED BEARINGS AND COMPONENTS SheLf Life and Storage of greaSe-LuBricated BearingS and coMPonentS Timken guidelines for the shelf life of grease-lubricated rolling bearings, components and assemblies are set forth below. Shelf life information is based on test data and experience. Shelf life should be distinguished from lubricated bearing/ component design life as follows: ShElF lIFE PolIcY Shelf life of the grease-lubricated bearing/component represents the period of time prior to use or installation. The shelf life is a portion of the...
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INTroducTIoN SHELF LIFE METrIc ISo SErIES oNE-roW AND STORAGE OF GREASE-LUBRICATED BEARINGS AND COMPONENTS SToragE Timken suggests the following storage guidelines for its finished products (bearings, components and assemblies, hereinafter referred to as “Products”): The storage area should be kept free from airborne contaminants such as, but not limited to, dust, dirt, harmful vapors, etc. The storage area should be isolated from undue vibration. Unless directed otherwise by Timken, Products should be kept in their original packaging until they are ready to be placed into service. Do not...
Open the catalog to page 8
ENgINEErINg ENgINEERINg ONE-ROW METRIC ISO SERIES engineering The following topics are covered within this engineering section: Bearing designs, special products and materials. Shaft and housing fits. Lubrication recommendations. Testing and inspection. This engineering section is not intended to be comprehensive, but does serve as a useful guide in miniature and thin-section bearing selection. To view the complete engineering catalog, please visit To order the catalog, please contact your Timken engineer and request a copy of the Timken engineering manual, order number...
Open the catalog to page 9
ENgINEErINg ENgINEERINg BEarINg SElEcTIoN cagES ONE-ROWTYPES aNd ProcESS METRIC ISO SERIES Bearing SeLection ProceSS TIMKEN® BEarINgS Timken provides an extensive variety of rolling bearing types and sizes. knowing that the bearing is often the most critical component within a moving assembly, Timken engineers take great care to ensure the customer is receiving maximum value when a Timken® bearing is selected. Timken provides the proper bearing for virtually any motion-control application. with more than a century of proven experience in bearing technology, Timken is a world leader in the...
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ENgINEErINg ENgINEERINg caTalog ProducT ISO SERIES ONE-ROW METRIC SElEcTIoN cataLog Product SeLection Timken produces precision bearings and assemblies in miniature and thin-section series. The bearings are manufactured with quality steel, tolerances and features that meet demanding application challenges. These precision bearings and assemblies are found in surgical and diagnostic imaging devices, precision pumps, measurement and material handling equipment, as well as guidance, weapons and space applications. Standard sizes range from 0.025 in. to 11 in. bore (1 mm to 280 mm bore). radIal...
Open the catalog to page 11
ENgINEErINg ENgINEERINg caTalog METRIC ISO SERIES BEarINg TYPES aNd cagES ONE-ROWProducT SElEcTIoN SPEcIal ProducTS PIVoT Ball BEarINgS INTEgral aSSEMBlIES Timken designs and produces specialized integral assemblies. These assemblies utilize precision bearings that are mated with components manufactured to extremely tight tolerances or contain bearing raceways integrated into the shaft and/or housing. By avoiding tolerance stack-ups, integral assemblies provide the ultimate bearing solution for critical applications requiring precise positional control and low radial/axial runout. integral...
Open the catalog to page 12All TIMKEN catalogs and technical brochures
National® Industrial Seals
716 Pages
2 Pages
Timken® Lubricants
6 Pages
Quick-Flex Couplings
68 Pages
Matched Bearing Assemblies
16 Pages
Cylindrical Roller Bearings
108 Pages
AP Bearings
84 Pages
UC Series Ball Housed Units
24 Pages
Type E Housed Units
40 Pages
Ball Housed Units
180 Pages
SNT Plummer Blocks
120 Pages
SAF Housed Units
126 Pages
Thrust Bearings
138 Pages
Quick-Flex Coupling Catalog
68 Pages
Bearing interchange guide
163 Pages
24 Pages
Quick-Flex Coupling
64 Pages
Timken Drives Roller Chain Catalog
112 Pages
Commercial Vehicle Catalog
417 Pages
Industrial Maintenance Manual
157 Pages
Timken SAF Housed Unit Catalog
126 Pages
Timken Ball Housed Unit Catalog
180 Pages
Timken® SNT Plummer Block Catalog
120 Pages
214 Pages
Archived catalogs
5 Pages
Spherical Roller Bearings
236 Pages
Timken Engineering Manual
210 Pages
Timken Ball Bearings Catalog
217 Pages
Timken Industrial Seals
40 Pages
Ball Bearings
6 Pages
IsoClass Bearings
8 Pages
Maintenance Tools
16 Pages
Industrial Products
56 Pages
Precision Rotary Assemblies
2 Pages
Ceramic Bearings
2 Pages