Group: Timken

Catalog excerpts

® 15M 12-14:29 Order No. 10675 | Timken is a registered trademark of The Timken Company. | © 2014 The Timken Company | Printed in U.S.A. Timken® meTALS PRODUCT CATALOg Timken® meTALS PRODUCT CATALOg The Timken team applies their know-how to improve the reliability and performance of machinery in diverse markets worldwide. The company designs, makes and markets high-performance mechanical components, including bearings, gears, chain and related mechanical power transmission products and services.
Open the catalog to page 1
Timken® meTals ProducT caTalog index Timken Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 PrOducTs and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 HOw TO use THis caTalOg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 sHelf life POlicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 sTOrage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Open the catalog to page 2
Timken GROW STRONGER WITH TIMKEN groW sTronger WiTH Timken every day, people around the world count on the strength of Timken. Our expertise in metallurgy, friction management and mechanical power transmission helps them accelerate improvements in productivity and uptime. we supply products and services that can help keep your operations moving forward, whether you need drive train kits for commercial vehicles, durable housings for bearings in dirty environments, couplings that avoid metal-to-metal contact between motors and gearboxes, repair services for bearings and gearboxes, roller...
Open the catalog to page 3
Timken INCREASE YOUR EQUIPMENT UPTIME increase Your eQuiPmenT uPTime in addition to high-quality bearings and mechanical power transmission components, we provide valuable integrated products and services. for example, we offer repair services and monitoring equipment that can alert you to problems before they impact your uptime. additionally, we offer a broad selection of seals, premium lubricants, lubricators, couplings and chain to keep your operations moving smoothly. Our 12 technology centers in the united states, europe and asia help pioneer tomorrow’s innovations with extensive basic...
Open the catalog to page 4
Timken METALS INNOVATOR meTals innovaTor Today, metal processing equipment handles heavier loads, faster speeds and greater expectations than ever before. as finished product quality requirements increase, producers continue to place a very high premium on equipment uptime and performance. as the leader in friction-management and power-transmission solutions for the metals industry, Timken helps metals operators improve their equipment’s performance and uptime. we accomplish this by providing custom solutions – from bearings that stand-up to the harshest environments to condition monitoring...
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Timken Products and services ProducTs and services we offer equipment builders and operators one of the most extensive friction-management product and service portfolios in the industry. we also strictly adhere to the Timken Quality management system in every plant worldwide, so each bearing product meets the same high quality standards – no matter where in the world it is manufactured. bearings Timken provides a broad range of bearing designs and configurations for use in steelmaking vessels, caster segments, work rolls, backup rolls, screwdown systems, mill drives, pinion stands, coilers,...
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Timken products and services HigH-Performance bearing soluTions PoWer Transmission comPonenTs and sYsTems Timken provides the metals industry with a variety of high-performance bearing solutions, including Timken® aquaspexx®, duraspexx® and thin dense chrome bearings for corrosion protection. Our debris-resistant bearings are ideal for contaminated and/or marginal lubrication conditions. Timken offers an expanding range of power transmission components including seals, couplings and engineered chain. we also provide customized bearing solutions such as special race profiles to meet special...
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Timken Metals products and services lubricanTs and lubricaTion sYsTems serving industries around the world, Timken® lubricants and lubrication systems are essential in maximizing performance, productivity and uptime. leveraging our expertise in tribology and anti-friction bearings, we’ve developed lubricants – including 27 formulations of grease – that help ensure smooth operation. Our single- and multi-point lubricators, in addition to interlube automated lubrication delivery systems, dispense precise amounts of grease, saving time and money over manual application. Our gearbox repair...
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Timken How to use tHis catalog • sHelF liFe aND stoRage oF gRease-luBRicateD BeaRiNgs aND coMPoNeNts sHelF liFe and sTorage we designed this catalog to help you find the Timken bearings best suited to your specifications in the metals industry. The product tables list many of the bearing types that are specifically used in metals applications. for other bearing types, please refer to the respective Timken product catalog reference. To help you get the most value from our products, Timken provides guidelines for the shelf life of grease-lubricated ball and roller bearings, components and...
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Timken SHELF LIFE AND STORAGE OF GREASE-LUBRICATED BEARINGS AND COMPONENTS sTorage Timken suggests the following storage guidelines for our finished products (bearings, components and assemblies, referred to as “products”): • unless directed otherwise by Timken, products should be kept in their original packaging until they are ready to be placed into service. • do not remove or alter any labels or stencil markings on the packaging. • Products should be stored in such a way that the packaging is not pierced, crushed or otherwise damaged. • after a product is removed from its packaging, it...
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Timken warnings and Cautions Warning Failure to observe the following warnings could create a risk of death or serious injury. Proper maintenance and handling practices are critical. always follow installation instructions and maintain proper lubrication. Overheated bearings can ignite explosive atmospheres. special care must be taken to properly select, install, maintain, and lubricate housed unit bearings that are used in or near atmospheres that may contain explosive levels of combustible gases or accumulations of dust such as from grain, coal, or other combustible materials. if hammer...
Open the catalog to page 11All TIMKEN Europe catalogs and technical brochures
Grease Interchange Guide
1 Pages
16 Pages
745 Pages
364 Pages
Drive Engineer™ Web App
2 Pages
Tapered Roller Bearing Catalog
760 Pages
Timken Safety End Caps
2 Pages
2 Pages
491A Disk Harrow Unit
2 Pages
Deep Groove Ball Bearings
32 Pages
National Indust Seals Catalog
716 Pages
Industrial Seal Catalog
389 Pages
2 Pages
VHIN 600
2 Pages
VHIN 550
2 Pages
VHIS 400
2 Pages
VHIS 200
2 Pages
VHIS 150
2 Pages
VHIS 100
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
16 Pages
M9 Modular Magnetic Encoder
2 Pages
2 Pages
Thrust Bearings
2 Pages
2 Pages
Large Bore Industrial Seals
1 Pages
2 Pages
EMA Series Brochure
16 Pages
Deep Groove Ball Bearing
40 Pages
Large Bore Industrial Seal Catalog
388 Pages
Timken Drives Roller Chain Catalog
112 Pages
Timken SAF Housed Unit Catalog
126 Pages
Timken Ball Housed Unit Catalog
180 Pages
Timken® SNT Plummer Block Catalog
120 Pages
NSC Info Section
34 Pages
Timken Type E Housed Unit
40 Pages
Quick-Flex Coupling
64 Pages
Spherical Bearing
2 Pages
Timken AP-2 Bearing
2 Pages
AP? Bearing Product Sheet
2 Pages
ADAPT Bearing Product Sheet
2 Pages
6 Pages
Spherical Roller Bearing Catalog
200 Pages
Cylindrical Roller Bearing Catalog
108 Pages
Commercial Vehicle Catalog
417 Pages
Timken Thrust & Plain Bearings
40 Pages
Timken Ball Bearings
217 Pages
Medium-Duty Application
37 Pages
Industrial Maintenance Manual
157 Pages
Mechanical Puller Catalog
20 Pages
218 Pages
476 Pages
176 Pages
Archived catalogs
IsoClass Bearings
8 Pages
Maintenance Tools
16 Pages
Industrial Products
56 Pages