Catalog excerpts
Need a Customized Product? Multi-Stage Altemating Relays (Continued) Can't find the right product that fits your needs? We can modify any of our products to suit your needs. We can eveii develop new products based on your needs and description. To find out more about our OEM products and how to make modification requests, please call our sales line at 1-800-862-2875 or speak witli your local distribuer Alternatif Relays Model 471 Multi-Stage Alternator TheModeU71 Multi-Stage Alternator is dcsigncd to control ihc opcrating squence of multi-stage pumping systems. It can also be used to niaintain the desired level of pressure-on air compresser Systems. Four PUMP SELECT DIP swilches located on the front panel allow the alternator to control a single-pump, two-pump, ilnce-puuip or four-ptunp System. Only one switch nceds to bc set for the total nuinbcr of pumps in the system. The Model 471 will assure that only the necessary pumps are operating. and that the nin time for each pump is approximately equal. Pumps are sequeuced **first-oiu firsM>fP\ If the pumping deniand requires only one pump at a time, the alternator will start the next pump in squence each time an input switch is closed. Inpul switches may bc float switches, pressure switches, flow switches. etc.. as required by the application TIME MARK Featuring ail Time Mark top selling Altemating Relay models. D S 9 H l Muk Ooipoiation 11440 Pine Street Tulsa. OK 74116 Sales Line (800) 862-2875 Fax: (918) 437*7584 Email: aalca@iinic mark 驧%m\ TIME MARK < m m i i i m ■ TIME MARK CORP. SALES LINE: 1-800-862-2875 www, time-maiR, corn TIME MARK CORPORATION
Open the catalog to page 1ProtectlngYourEoimt 9 time MARK Duplex Alternating Relays Modll2611 US motors/pumps are operating. and that the run time for each motor/pump is approximately equal Motors are sequenced 1*6rst-on, first-off\ If the motor/pumping demand requires only oue motor/ pump at a time, the altemator will start the next motor/pump in sc<]uencc each lime an inpul switch is closcd Input switches tnay bc float switches, pressure switches. flow switches, etc., as required by the application. AlTFRNATlNG MqPEL 261SR1ãs Alternating CONTROLLER The Model 2611 Alternating Controller is a microprocessor based...
Open the catalog to page 2All Time Mark catalogs and technical brochures
MODEL 16-1-X-X
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
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Product Catalog
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Short Form Catalog
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Voltage monitors
2 Pages
3-Phase monitors
2 Pages
2 Pages
Level Controller
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Current transducer
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3 phase current transformer
2 Pages
Voltage Sensor
2 Pages
3 phase monitor
2 Pages