Catalog excerpts
TIANSHUI 213 GSM1 Sries Moulded Case Circuit Breakers . (INTENDEDUSE) GSM1^ lI^^naiKSIffl闯^^ 50Hz,M ^ ^ g H Eg J± ^ 800V(GSM1-63S^^^^^ffi^500V), §ffifêI|^ffil690V(GSM1-631l§i ^I^^ffiS400V) , l^lMJiS800AS5^f诪W»tfS5^®S$ffꪪffl GSM1 sries moulded case circuit breakers suitable for turn-on or turn-off not frequently and starting a motor not frequently in the circuit of AC50Hz, rated insulation voltage up to 800V(GSM1 -63 is 500V), rated working voltage 690V or below(GSM1 -63 is 400V), rated working current up to 800A.The breakers of 4 ples are mainly suitable for cable short cuicuit protection.cable overload protection and turn-on or turn-off not frequently in the power supply system.meanwhile can open neutral conductor and leg conductor together as to keep from high electric potential transferring and protect operators.Besides having short cuicuit and overload protection for cuicuit and motor.the breakers can assembly many function modules such as under-voltage realease.shunt release.alarm contact , anxiliary contact.motor-driven op鴩ration device and so on.meeting ail kinds of protection and control functions. * Spfil (CONFORM TO STANDARDS)_ The breakers comply with the demands of the following standards: A GB14048.2Kffiff^§fflffiꊪ: EffiKf^ Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear: Low voltage breakers A IEC60947-2ꪏKffiff^§ffliU§ꊪ: §13» KffilM§ Low-voltage switchgear andcontrolgear: Parti I Low voltage breakers = . FSMMXfTYPEANDMEANING) GS M 1-□□□/□□□□ CodeofN-pole(riocodefor3 pϴles product):AorB Code for application: no code for power distribution 2 for motor protection SKfflStKPIJfrftS Code for release pattern and inner accessories fsee Table 1 ) Thefirstdigitstandsforreleasepattern.Theothertwodigitsstandfor codeofinner accessories 2 ^"PfE^rfiM (^K) JK^D§§ Onlyhas electrornagnetic (instantaneous)type release 3:^^-^^(M^)^ffl^Thermo-electromagneticfdouble)typerelease t$i:3.,4 Codeforthepolenurnber:3^4 Wii^TjJ^'- Code for the opration rneans: ^^Mfll讯/P7G'ft^ No code for handle opration dirrectly "P" ^z^JJHfp Powerdriven "Z" $^fz5j=^fiJ|f/pTuminghandle Codeforthe breaking ability(No code for4 p鮴les product L-^)^ typical type M-^M^ɯMjW. second high breaking type H-n§]^}ff§y hige breaking type ^^^^S^Aɋ^r^ Code for the frame grade T^vf Code for dsignation ■ i§f4^h^tlft:S§-§§ Moulded case circuit breakers fi^ll/ffi" Code for company
Open the catalog to page 1@ TIANSHUI 213 Tablel :release pattern andcodeforinneraccessories S-Gffi Handle ^MSBi Il - Leftmounting '-''-' Rightmountinק Alarmcontact Auxiliarycontact Under-voltagerelease Shuntrelease Lead direction pft(4x ^^ § Type ﯣ?sso^W»~ -A^ccessone^. ccessorjes nam^ GSM1-63 GSM1-100 GSM1-225 GSM1-400L GSM1-400H GSM1-400M GSM1-630 GSM1-800 200,300, G/NO 208, 308 NoAccessories Alarm contact -H □ H □ 210, 310 Shuntrelease 220, 320 230, 330 Auxiliarycontact Under-voltage release o h- 240, 340 250, 350 Shuntrelease Auxiliarycontact Und^oigerelease o 260, 360 270, 370 Twogroupof auxiliary AuxSylfntact...
Open the catalog to page 2^ TIANSHUI 213 For GSM1-400,630,800, codes 248,348,278,378 only have one pair of auxiliary contacts(a normal opened, a normal closed),but 268,368 have three pairsofauxiliarycontacts. A GSM 1-63 6ArS^KEW«^, RlBWS^o Forthe spcification 6AofGSM1-63,onlyhasshort circuit. E9 Xff EFJg ENVIRONMENT CONDITION FOR OPERAT A rS)!Sen>mS±BAl+40oC) TBAl-5°C,24/J\B!t鄥ffi^eH+350C; Ambient temprature: -5°C ~ + 40°C , the average of temp⩩rature not exceeding + 35°C during 24 hours. A S^Jffi^ffiSSrB^ffl^OOO;^; Elevations=2000m. a e^fflffisnffiasesa^^e»+4o^w^ea5o%,ske^st^ ^^K^ffiffiase, ra^2o^w&9o%o...
Open the catalog to page 3TIANSHUI 213 a mm^T^ft: mmmm ca^s^ss) sesit; mx^mm c^rai A^g^WSeffiASg^«GSM1-100,225,400L^SfflgASg^) Accordingtothewiringmethod:Wiringinfrontoftheboard;Wiringonback of the board; Insertion type (including insertion type in front of the board and insertion type on back of the board, only GSM1-1 00,225,400L has the wiring method of insertion in front of the board) a m.mtTj䪮Ztt: ^Mm.mmt; mm^mm^; «sfp According to the opration means:Handle operating directly Turning handle Power driven. Accordingtotheusage: Powerdistribution ; motorprotection. A f?|Ml$[鮣hzzIS;...
Open the catalog to page 4^ TIANSHUI 213 Limiting short-circuit BreakingAbilitylcu(kA) AC690V 20 AC400V 25 50 35 50 Operating short-circuit Breaking Ability lcs(kA) AC690V 10 AC400V 18 35 22 35 Operational Performance ftimes) Electrical Life 4000 Mechanical Life 8500 9h J »f R « o (mm) W L H 78 78 103 92 92 122 ♦ ♦ 135 135 150 150 * ♦ 66.5 74.5 61 79 W h Frame Current Inm(A) 225 400 lUSType GSM1-225L GSM1-225M GSM1-225 GSM1-400L GSM1-400M Outline '-*-<-' ՕՕ Mfիf&Wi In (A) Rated Current In (A) 100, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225 225, 250, 315, 350, 400 ©S Polenumber 3 3 4 3 3 mmm^± ui(v) Rated insulation voltage UifV)...
Open the catalog to page 5^TIANSHUI 213 GSM1-400H GSM1-400 GSM1-630L C SM1-630M GSM1-630 C ΎSM1-630H 9m Outline m M ■ N SKGGMA) Rated Current In (A) 225, 250, 315, 350, 400 400, 500, 630 SSPolenumber 3 4 3 3 4 3 mmm^i± ukv> Rated insulationvoltage Ui(V) AC800 SKIffGffi Ue(V) Rated working voltage Ue(V) AC220-AC690 Uimp(V) Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp(V) 8000 Arc-over Distance(mm) «100 «100 Limiting short-circuit lcu(kA) AC690V 20 AC400V 100 65 50 65 100 Operating short-circuit BreakingAbilitylcs(kA) AC690V 15 AC400V 65 42 35 42 65 Operational Performance (times) Electrical Life 1000 Mechanical Life 4000 9h...
Open the catalog to page 6TIANSHUI 213 GSMlJjl5iJMsW56t§T&f§ TSfMEg (mm) Arc-overDistance(mm) «100 Limiting short-circuit Breaking Ability lcu(kA) AC690V 10 20 AC400V 50 65 65 Operating short-circuit Breaking Abilitylcs(kA) AC690V 5 10 AC400V 35 42 42 Operational Performance (times) Electrical Life 500 Mechanical Life 2500 9h 1 f » R 1 (mm) w 210 210 280 A /* I Y l 275 ♦ ♦ h 103 W j H PROTECTIONFEATURE,CHARACTERISTICCURVEANDCURRENT-TEMPERATURECHARACTERISTICOFTHEBREAKER ■ (E*ffl) x mm (Bp^mm) Protection feature see following Table3(for power distribution) and Table 4(for motor protection) Table3:protection feature...
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