Catalog excerpts

Multi- Purpose Sries 3 Axis CNC Router Packages First in CNC Routers
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Multi- Purpose Series 3 Axis CNC Router Package Thermwood CNC routers are highly flexible, making them ideal for a variety of manufacturing applications. Thermwood, the technical leader, offers a wide variety machines, exclusive features, flexible options and support software, all integrated into complete pre-engineered packages, fully refined for your specific application. Thermwood has been building CNC routers longer than anyone else. Thousands of Thermwood CNC routers are in operation in 29 countries producing everything from simple wood parts to jumbo jets and spacecraft. Thermwood has...
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At-the-Head Typewriter Style Tool Changer Locator Pins Dual Head Spindles Aggregate Tooling Tool Length Measurement Next Generation CNC control - your key to success Thermwood also offers automatic l oad-unload systems for certain applications. Software is a key part of modern CNC systems. Thermwood maintains a staff of software developers and offers a variety of powerful but easy-to-use software packages. We also represent leading software products from third-party software vendors that we have configured to work seamlessly with Thermwood’s systems. Thermwood provides complete training,...
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Thermwood operates a well equipped, fully staffed demonstration lab whose purpose is to demonstrate to both you and us, that we can do your job and that you will be completely satisfied. We set up, program and run your parts, with no obligation to you, to prove out the application before we receive, or accept, a commitment. You are invited to our Southern Indiana facility to see this process in person and discuss your needs in a friendly, easy and open environment. We also have the ability to broadcast these demonstrations live over the web, although Training and Support -vital to your...
Open the catalog to page 4All Thermwood catalogs and technical brochures
Model 77
8 Pages
8 Pages
16 Pages
2 Pages
the CarvingShop 83
2 Pages
the FrameBuilder 53
2 Pages
the Multi-Purpose MTR
4 Pages
the Multi-Purpose 63
4 Pages
the Multi-Purpose 42
4 Pages
the Multi-Purpose 40
4 Pages
the CabinetShop MTR
2 Pages
the CabinetShop 45
2 Pages
the CabinetShop 43 Brochure
3 Pages
the Five Axis
2 Pages
the Multi-Purpose 70
2 Pages
the Multi-Purpose 67
2 Pages
the SignRouter 43
2 Pages
the Multi-Purpose 53
4 Pages