Catalog excerpts

HAT/RA & HAT/RA-LP INLINE TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVES BENEFITS • Controls cooling fluid return temperatures - ideal for glycol and water • Self-operating, no power or signal required • Maintains constant discharge temperatures • Improves system efficiency • Unaffected by pressure variations • Conserves water DESIGN FEATURES • • • • • • • • Exclusive Thermoloid® thermal actuator All stainless steel body, fittings, spring, and plug Compact low mass - fast response Corrosion resistant - long service life Ram-type plug for reliable shut-off Operates in narrow temperature band Two wrench flats for easy installation Leak port (LP) option senses changing upstream temperature The HAT/RA reverse acting valve may be used to regulate the flow of cooling water, glycol or other cooling media in applications requiring economical removal of heat from equipment or a process. Since the HAT/RA valves open on rising temperatures, they can be used in many thermal relief valve applications. SAMPLE APPLICATION HAT/RA-LP valves are ideal for controlling cooling water for compressors and die-casting equipment, engines, heat exchangers, welding equipment, electrical equipment, and molding equipment. OPERATION As the fluid temperature increases to within the operating range of the HAT/RA and HAT/RA-LP, the thermal actuator modulates the valve open. If the fluid temperature is above the acceptable range, the valve will continue to modulate open allowing additional fluid discharge. As the outlet temperature falls, the valve then modulates toward the closed position, reducing flow. This modulating action maintains a relatively constant fluid temperature even as operating conditions vary. At start-up, the HAT/RA-LP is closed except for its control leakage, which allows a small flow so that the actuator inside the valve can sense the changing equipment temperature.
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HAT/RA & HAT/RA-LP INLINE TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVES PARTS & MATERIALS FLOW L HAT/RA OPERATING SPRING BODY SEAL THERMAL ACTUATOR Brass or SS SEAT SEAL RING ACTUATOR CARRIER DIMENSIONS & CAPACITIES Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Temperature 150°F (66°C) over set-point - limit 300ºF(149ºC) 1. Full open temperatures “XXX” available: 040°F, 045°F, 050°F, 060°F, 070°F, 075°F, 085°F, 095°F, 100°F, 105°F, 110°F, 115°F, 120°F, 125°F, 130°F, 140°F, 150°F, 160°F, 170°F, 175°F, 180°F, 190°F, 200°F and 210°F. a. Note: Closing temperature is typically 10°F below opening temperature. 2. Leak port...
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