Group: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog excerpts

Product Data Titan™ ETEM G2 Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope for dynamic in situ exploration of functional nanomaterials and devices at the nanometer and atomic scale Characterizing new, improved functional nanomaterials for energy and environmental technologies, requires a detailed understanding of their structure-performance relationships and atomic-scale insight into their geometric and electronic structures and chemical composition. FEI’s Titan ETEM G2 atomic-resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) is an all-in-one solution for time-resolved in situ studies of dynamic behavior of nanomaterials during exposure to reactive gas environments and elevated temperatures. Built on the world class Titan TEM platform, which delivers the ultimate performance in mechanical, electronic and thermal stability, Titan ETEM is a flexible solution for imaging of static specimens, observations of nanomaterials’ dynamic response to the applied stimulus (gas and temperature), observations of growth (kinetics) as well as function, reliability and breakdown studies of nanodevices. Titan ETEM can be combined with optional image Cs corrector, FEI’s X-FEG module and monochromator technology to further extend it to meet the high standards in atomic-resolution S/TEM imaging and spectroscopy expected from FEI’s Titan 80-300 kV technology. Key benefits • Observe functional nanomaterials’ time-resolved (dynamic) response to gas and temperature stimuli (in situ) • Study gas-solid interactions at the nanometer and atomic scale, including shape and morphology, and interaction at surfaces and interfaces • Gain insight at the atomic-scale into the geometric and electronic structure, and chemical composition of functional nanomaterials New features for the Titan ETEM G2 • Redesigned ETEM user interface and full software control of all operational parameters • Rapid interchange between ETEM and high vacuum mode • Large polepiece gap allows full tilt capability of the specimen holder for optimal orientation and electron tomography • Compact and bakeable gas inlet system • Linear gas flow regimen to minimize cross-contamination • Built-in protection assures a safe working environment and safe use of flammable gases Titan ETEM G2 features an innovative differentially pumped objective lens, uniquely designed for the ETEM platform. This lens design enables all the same features you would expect from a standard Titan S/TEM, like window-free imaging and compatibility with Titan heating holders for easy sample insertion, while also allowing ample chamber space for full double tilt capability to support 3-D tomography. Gas inlets allow operators to safely add inert and reactive gas to the chamber. Gas pressures in ETEM experiments can be accurately preset from 10-3 Pa up to 2000 Pa (for N2). The new software-controlled user interface offers a range of settings to accommodate both handling by novice (automatic mode) as well as advanced (manual control) operators. The ETEM is equipped with a mass spectrometer to determine gas composition either in the gas inlet system or in the specimen area. A built-in plasma cleaner allows for cleaning of the specimen area after using a gas. For safe and reliable use the Titan ETEM G2 features built-in hardware and software protections.
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Product Data Titan™ ETEM G2 ETEM applications Alkene producing catalysts: deactivation by carbonaceous layer growth In-situ: Haldor Topsøe A/S, FEI Titan ETEM (300 kV) Reduction and oxidation reactions over nanoparticle catalysts In-situ: DTU Cen, FEI Titan ETEM (300 kV) Oxidized surface of metal particle Re-oxidized surface of metal particle H2 atmosphere, elevated temp. Surface-step as growth centers for graphene on a Pt / MgO alkane Atomic resolution images of an oxidized metal nanoparticle undergoing reduction in hydrogen gas followed by subsequent re-oxidation dehydrogenation catalyst...
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Product Data Titan™ ETEM G2 Standard mode ETEM mode (< 0.5 mbar nitrogen) System energy resolution* Note: All specifications are at 300kV. For a list of specifications at other acceleration voltages please contact your FEI sales representative. * With SFEG. The ETEM is also optionally available with X-FEG and gun monochromator. Depending on the energy filter option the energy resolution could be 0.20 eV (0.25eV in ETEM mode). Technical highlights • Ultra-stable schottky field emitter gun • ew three lens condenser system with quantitative indication N of convergence angle and size of...
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Product Data Titan™ ETEM G2 Installation requirements • nvironment temperature 18 oC to 23 oC temperature stability E 0.2 oC/h heat dissipation into air nominal 4300 W • oor height: 2275 mm (depends on version) D • oor width: 1320 mm D • eiling height: 3500 mm (max. configuration) C • equired floor space for microscope 4500 x 5500 mm R • ax weight microscope coumn: 1800 kg max M • Max point loading: 105 N/cm2 • ower voltage: 3 phase incl. neutral and earth 398 V P (+6 %, -10 %) • requency 50 or 60 Hz (+/- 3 %) F • ower consumption with all microscope options P max. 14330 W • lectrical...
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