Catalog excerpts
Virtual Column is an option available for the Chromeleon Chr om Management System software (release 6.6 and above). O ST > Optimize Whether you work with "standard" IC methods or develop your own methods, optimizing separa- tions for your specific applications can save timeand deliver better results. Unfortunately, seekingthe best column and separation conditions for an IC analysis has traditionally been a gamble. You had to guess where to start and which parametersto vary, never sure if you were headed in the rightdirection. You had to spend hours generating chromatograms, consuming...
Open the catalog to page 2EPARATIONS > and choose the Dionex column and eluent systemyou want to model. Virtual Column displays thechromatogram you can expect to obtain, togetherwith a resolution map indicating the eluent condi- tions that will produce the best separations. Solutions to Cover Your Application Needs Virtual Column models all of the most popular Dionex anion-exchange and cation-exchangecolumns, using hydroxide, carbonate/bicarbonate,and methanesulfonic acid eluent systems. Retention data for hundreds of analytes, obtained from columns carefully selected to be statisticallyrepresentative of...
Open the catalog to page 32 A 8 SMinutes In just a few minutes,Virtual Column identifiesgradient conditions on the same IonPac AS18column that allow separa-tion of all componentswith baseline resolutionand a run time of only 21 minutes. By switching to a gradient eluent, Virtual Column finds conditions that even further reduce analysis time, while maintaining resolution above your specified minimum. Using a highly concentratedeluent of 50 mM on anIonPac AS18 column elutespolyphosphates isocratically,but retention times are long,peak shapes are poor, andother components are severely impacted. 153 6791011 Ֆ 1 7 5 10...
Open the catalog to page 5R > EADYTO R > UN Y > OUR A > PPLICATION ? S > O I > S V > Virtual Column is more than greattheoretical modeling software. It's aproductivity tool that helps yousolve real-world problems and getyour job done faster. Beyond the Ideal and Into the Real Optimize for Conventional and RFIC Systems In the real world, peaks aren't perfect. They vary insize and shape, and sometimes they come out atdifferent times than a simplistic theoretical modelwould predict.Virtual Column is equipped to deal with reality.You can easily adjust it to reflect the realities ofyour chromatography: void volume,...
Open the catalog to page 6your system. The Eluent Composition Calculator gives detailed, step-by-step instructionsfor preparing conventional eluents at the exact concentrations required for your optimized methods. Chromeleon's new Application Wizard lets youoptimize your separation in a virtual environment, and then quickly converts it to a real application thatגs ready to run on >
Open the catalog to page Corporate Headquarters U.S. Regional Offices Specifications* > Dionex Corporation 1228 Titan Way P.O. Box 3603Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3603Tel: (408) 737-0700 Fax: (408) 730-9403 Sunnyvale, CA (408) 737-8522 Westmont, IL (630) 789-3660Atlanta, GA (770) 432-8100Houston, TX (281) 847-5652 Marlton, NJ (856) 596-0600 Salt Lake City Technical Center Analytes Over 120 anion, cation, and carbohydrate species > (Extraction Specialists) 1515 West 2200 South, Suite A Salt Lake City, UT 84119-1484 Tel: (801) 972-9292 Fax: (801) 972-9291 International Subsidiaries Columns Anions: IonPac >...
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