Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM)
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Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM) - 1

Datasheet : 105 NOTE: European specification standard is 316 stainless steel for gland body Type A has mounting thread only. Conax Technologies Model MHM (Multi-Hole Metal) Glands can be customized to accommodate special hole patterns, irregular shapes and high density requirements. Like the MHC glands, MHM glands can be used to seal gradient thermocouple, RTD or thermistor probes, tube bundles or a variety of devices within a single fitting. The soft sealant technology seals against gases or liquids and resists element movement under pressure. Immersion lengths can be easily adjusted in the field. Individual elements can be set at different lengths to facilitate monitoring of multiple points. This style gland also allows easy replacement of elements. MHM gland bodies with NPT threads or SAE threads are constructed from 303SST standard. Weld-neck style gland bodies are constructed from 316LSST standard. Caps, seats and followers for all styles are constructed from 303SST standard. Many optional materials are also available, including 316LSST, Inconel and more. For information on alternative materials, see page 9. Cap Style A offers a mounting thread only. Cap Style B provides threading on both ends for attachment to conduit or terminal heads. Alternative sealant materials and custom bore sizes are available. Please consult a Conax Technologies sales engineer for custom needs. Type B has cap end threaded. B Cap NPT matches the standard mounting NPT. • Temperature Range: -400“ F to +1600° F (-240° C to +870“ C) • Pressure Range: Vacuum to 10,000 PSIG (690 bar) -see Pressure Ratings in the Specifications Chart. • Seals 1-27 Elements (standard) Accessories The replaceable sealant permits repeated use of the same fitting. Elements can be easily assembled or replaced in the field. To replace the sealant or elements, simply loosen the cap, replace the necessary items, relubricate and retorque the cap. Glands are supplied factory lubricated. When reused, the glands should be relubricated to maintain the published torque and pressure ratings. If glands are cleaned prior to assembly, they should be relubricated. On weld mount models, the heat from the welding process will destroy the lubricant. These models must also be relubricated prior to use. See page 103 for information on our lubrication kit. To order a Replacement Packing Set, including sealant, seat and follower, order RPS - (Gland) - (Diameter) - (Number of Holes) - (Sealant) Example: RPS-MHM5-040-16-T To order a Replacement Sealant alone, order RS - (Gland) - (Diameter) - (Number of Holes) - (Sealant) Example: RS-MHM5-040-16-T Catalog Numbering System MHM Gland -MHM2 MHM4 -MHM5 - MHM6 (Flange-Style) Modifiers are added in parentheses to indicate optional mounting methods. See specifications chart tor the proper modifiers. Diameter of Element Sealed Custom bore sizes also available. Blanks are provided with no holes in the seat, follower and sealant. Cap Style A-has mounting thread only B - has cap end threaded Sealant V -Viton N - Neoprene (notoffered with MHM6) |- T-Teflon L - Lava (not offered with MHM6) LG -Grafoil Other sealant materials also available. See MHM selection guide to determine the standard number of elements offered with each model. For custom conhgurations, consult factory. Example: MHM5-040-B16-T Thermal Detection Limited Unit 6, Primrose Hill Industrial Estate Orde Wingate Way Stockton-on-Tees, England, TS19 0GA Email: Web:

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Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM) - 2

MHM Selection Guide Standard Number ot Elements Ottered Max Hole ‘Consult factory lor pressure ratings. Thermal Detection Limited Unit 6, Primrose Hill Industrial Estate Orde Wingate Way Stockton-on-Tees, England, TS19 0GA Email: Web:

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Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM) - 3

Tube/Probe Diameter Catalog Number IN MM Note: the pressure and torque ratings provided In this catalog apply only when bores are drilled by Conax Technologies. • Hex sire for the body and cap are the same unless a cap sire is provided in parentheses. Blanks are provided with no holes in the body, follower and sealant. " Weld neck models require lubrication prior to use. WO = Not Ottered, NA = Not Applicable Thermal Detection Limited Unit 6, Primrose Hill Industrial Estate Orde Wingate Way Stockton-on-Tees, England, TS19 0GA

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Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM) - 4

C/F= Consult factory. NA = Not Applicable All pressure and torque ratings were determined at 68" F (20'C) using stainless steel rod as the element. Pressure ratings may degrade at higher temperatures. Pressure rating guide values are provided tor glands with elements restrained by the compressed sealant. Higher pressure may be attained with additional element restraints. Tolerance of tube or probe diameter is ±0.005 (±0.003 tor diameters <,0.040). Deviation from the nominal may affect pressure ratings. Consult factory fa details. CAUTION: When sealing on soft, fragile or crushable elements,...

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Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM) - 5

Note: the pressure and torque ratings provided in this catalog apply only when bores are dotted by Conax Technologies. • Hex size for the body and cap are the same unless a cap size Is provided In parentheses. Blanks are provided with no holes In the body, totto/ver and sealant. *' Weld neck models require lubrication prior to use. N/0 = Not Ottered. NA = Not Applicable. CAUTION: When sealing on soft, fragile or crushable elements, catalog torques may not apply. When catalog torques are applied, compressed sealants generate considerable forces on the element to be sealed These forces could...

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Conax Multiple Custom Element Feedthrough (MHM) - 6

WELDNECK LENGTH ” Flange Style Weld Neck Mount C/F = Consult factory. NA = Not Applicable. All pressure and torque ratings were determined at 68" F (20'C) using stainless steel rod as the element. Pressure ratings may degrade at higher temperatures. Pressure rating guide values are provided for glands with elements restrained by the compressed sealant. Higher pressure may be attained with additional element restraints. Tolerance of tube or probe diameter Is ±0.005 (±0.003 tor dameters <,0.040). Deviation trom the nominal may affect pressure ratings. Consult tacfery tor detaSs. Thermal...

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