

Catalog excerpts

T240 - 1

Macchine Automatiche per il riempimento e la chiusura dei tubetti. Automatic tube filling and sealing machines. Fino a 14.000 pezzi/ora Up to 14000 units/hour

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T240 - 2

Dimensioni tubi Metallo Plastica Tube size Diametro Diameter Metal Plastic min-max min-max Lunghezza Lenght min-max min-max TGM - TECNOMACHINES s.r.l. Via Delle Industrie, 104 - 24059 Urgnano (BG) - Italy - Tel. +39-035-893135 Fax +39-035-893151 - www.tgm.it - info@tgm.it

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All TGM TECNOMACHINES catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MB60

    2 Pages

  2. AL1

    1 Pages

  3. Box80V

    2 Pages

  4. E250 Semi

    2 Pages