Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS
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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 1


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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 2

FCS - Fibre Classifying System For every spinning mill, precise information on the raw material properties are absolutely essential. Tests on all significant parameters serve to check the incoming fibre quality, to organize the bale stock, to select matching bales for mixing, and to define the settings of all machines along the complete production chain (cards, drafting frames, spinning machines, etc.). Thus, reliable and high-grade laboratory equipment helps to optimize the yarn quality and to improve the productivity - and thereby the profit. To comply with this challenge, Textechno...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 3

Suited for Related to L number(n)/ « weight(w) o Parameter of fibres Symbol Bundle strength, relative (HVI) HVI-STR Bundle strength, absolute STR Span length (short staple) at 2,5% w SL2.5 Span length (short staple) at 25% w SL25 Span length (short staple) at 50% w SL50 Tuft (long staple) at 2,5% w TL2.5 Tuft (long staple) at 25% w TL25 Tuft (long staple) at 50% w TL50 Short-fibre index (short staple) w SFI Spinning consistency index SCI Upper half mean length w UHML Upper quartile length w UQL Cleanability, cleaning efficiency CE Dust content Dust Number of neps NpCnt/g Number of seed-coat...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 4

FIBROTEST Serving as the main station of the FCS, the The FIBROTEST is the first testing instrument FIBROTEST incorporates both, fibre length worldwide which has received the ITMF recognition measurement and fibre-bundle strength test (see itmf.org). The ITMF ICCTM hence recognizes within one instrument. The two measurements the usefulness and benefits of the FIBROTEST for are executed in succession on the same sample. spinning mills and research institutes. As final step of the fibre-bundle strength test the sample mass is automatically determined. This enables to calculate the exact and...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 5

FIBROFLOW This station is designed to measure micronaire and maturity of cotton according to international standards, such as ASTM-D1448 or ISO 10306. Maturity value, maturity ratio, and linear density are not calculated, but are actually measured by means of the two-compression method. The FIBROFLOW station includes the micronaire tester and a high-precision balance. OPTOTEST This station determines the color (Rd, +b) of fiber material as well as the trash content according to ASTM-D5867 for High Volume Testing devices. Additionally, also the color grade, leaf grade and the Cie-Lab color...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 6

NT-DA Utilizing digital image-processing software, the Within these size classes the number of NT-DA (Neps and Trash-Digital Analysis) impurities is counted and reported as neps/g, analyses a high-resolution picture of the seed-coat neps/g and trash parts/g. impurities separated from the cotton fibres by the MDTA 4. As a cost-effective alternative, i.e. if no color measurement is required, the trash analysis can Impurities are automatically classified into neps, be carried out using a high-resolution scanning seed coat neps and trash parts, and into three size system instead of the...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 7

MDTA 4 The Micro-Dust and Trash Analyser MDTA 4 is a modular tester consisting of the basic unit, the optional fibre length module and the optional rotor ring unit. The basic unit separates the clean cotton from all impurities, which by an integrated filter system are separated into dust content, fibre fragments, and remaining impurities such as neps, seed-coat neps and trash particles. From the weight of these impurity classes the non-lint percentage is determined. With an additional NT-DA or OPTOTEST, the separated impurities are classified according to their size and number as neps,...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 9

BALEXPERT Commonly, so-called “HVI” testers are used to measure standard fibre parameters. Textechno offers the BALEXPERT to match the results of such high-volume testers and add many useful additional parameters. For a full list refer to the table on page 3. The BALEXPERT consists of the FCS stations FIBROTEST, OPTOTEST and FIBROFLOW. Two more exiting functions have been included to allow organizing a complete spinning mill with the BALEXPERT: Bale management function Based on the test results of the BALEXPERT, the bale management software allows to organize matching bales into groups and...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 10

SPINEXPERT In addition to the BALEXPERT combination of FCS stations used to measure all important parameters for cotton trading/ginning, the SPINEXPERT combination of FCS stations provides all test results necessary to technologically assess the fibre spinnability. The SPINEXPERT consist of the FCS stations MDTA 4, FIBROFLOW and OPTOTEST/NT-DA. An extraordinary feature is the very detailed analysis of the non-lint content. First, the impurities are separated from the fibre sample by means of the MDTA 4. Thus, these impurities can be visually inspected and compared to the test results, which...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 11

General remarks All stations of the FCS can be flexibly combined in all possible configurations, depending on the test results requested. The test frequency of a BALEXPERT combination of FCS stations strongly depends on the selected test parameters, which are extremely flexible. On the FIBROTEST, the test speed for both, the fibre length and the tensile strength, can be set from 10 up to 300 mm/min. Using the recommended testing speed of 100 mm/min, the BALEXPERT reaches 40-60 tests per hour. Due to the opening process of the sample, tests with a SPINEXPERT are naturally slower and reach...

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Quality Control Systems for Raw Materials FCS - 12

textile testing technology The Textechno Group Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG D-41066 Monchengladbach, Germany www.textechno.com Lenzing Instruments GmbH & Co. KG A-4851 Gampern, Austria www.lenzing-instruments.com Your reliable partners for quality improvement

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