Catalog excerpts

FIBRESTRESS Bending-Abrasion and Cyclic Stress Tester for Fibres and Yarns
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Bending-Abrasion and Cyclic Stress Tester for Fibres and Yarns FIBRESTRESS During the fibre bending-abrasion test, the Finally, in the area of hair care products, conclu- fibre sample is cycled back and forth over a wire or sions can be drawn regarding the influence of the thin pin under given tension and defined angle, treatment media concerning hair characteristics, e.g. 90°. In this test, the number of cycles up to such as elasticity or brittleness, by subjecting the fibre breakage is the measured variable. Concern- treated human hair to the bending-abrasion test ing fibres for apparel...
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FIBRESTRESS Type F This equipment has been designed for bending- The clamp cycles in a horizontal direction, pulling abrasion tests on fibres with a linear density the fibre backwards and forwards over the wire. within the range of 0.3 – 20 dtex. For the test, A sensor registers the occurrence of fibre break- one of the fibre ends is held by a clamp and the age, and the appropriate cycle number count up other end loaded with a pre-tensioning weight. The to that moment is recorded. The equipment fibre is bent at a 90° or 110° angle around a wire, features a clamping strip with 25 positions...
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FIBRESTRESS Type C This equipment uses an identical method as the 1 Type F for bending-abrasion tests on fibres with a high linear density and yarn segments within the range of 3 – 300 dtex. Due to the higher sample count, the equipment has heavier pre-tensioning 3 weights that are guided within vertical channels. If necessary, the weights can be secured against any tendency to self-twist. In addition to the bending-abrasion test, the FIBRESTRESS Type C can also be used to carry out cyclic stress tests. Here, the reciprocating The instrument counts the number of cycles until the fibre...
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Technical data Sample holder: Wrap element for the bending-abrasion test: Clamping strip with 25 positions, reciprocating movement, either horizontal or vertical plane other diameters on request. (only Type C and C/ H). Bending angle for the bending-abrasion test: Cycle frequency of clamping strip movement: other angles on request. Tensioning weights: 70 mg – 10 g (Type F), 6 g – 70 g (Type C, C/ H), other weights on request. TESTCONTROL: PC system for controlling the test process and for the evaluation of the measured data, connected via serial interface. Further technical data Dimensions,...
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textile testing technology TEXTECHNO Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG Dohrweg 65 D-41066 Monchengladbach Germany Tel +49 (0)2161 6599-0 Fax +49 (0)2161 6599-10 info@textechno.com www.textechno.com
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