Catalog excerpts

TesT 850 Intelligent measurement system for the PC control via USB of TesT-universal testing machines. Directly connection with the Control Card internally in the machine. Integrated 32bit controllers "on board" to control up to 3 electromechanical drive systems Up to 6 x A/D converter with 24 bit, > 50 kHz bis zu 12 x A/D converter with 10 bit, > 50 kHz up to 3 x channels for incremental signals > 50kHz I/O Interface for communication with other systems, for example the control of handling systems USB 2.0 port 2 x 24 bit A/D converter for strain gauge transducer, sampling rate: > 50 kHz 4 x 10 bit A/D converter for processing of additional signals, such as external switching signals, temperature etc., sampling rate: > 50 kHz 1 x incremental channel for displacement / angle measurement > 50kHz 1 D / A converter 16 bit > 1 kHz to control of electromechanical drive systems Sensors according TEDS standard IEE 1451-5 usable with automatic calibration check.
Open the catalog to page 1All TesT GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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