Catalog excerpts

AUTOMATIC GARMENT ON HANGER COUNTER Automated system for real-time identification and counting of batches of garments hung up on hangers. It is suitable for hanging garment lines in automatic or manual trolleys or fence conveyor Transit control of garments in strategic points. RFid tagging control -detection of garments without RFid tag or defective tag- in facilities with RFid systems. Adaptable to different conveyor systems: fence conveyor systems, automated trolley systems or manual trolley systems. INTRALOGISTIC AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS CREATE NEW SOLUTIONS THAT DID NOT PREVIOUSLY EXIST
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SPECIFICATIONS POWER FEATURES Real time data. High counting capacity: up to 50,000 hangers per hour. Supporting conveyor speeds up to 2 meters/second, with a margin of error less than 1×10,000. Works with different hanger formats and thicknesses. Effective in extreme conditions -crossed or overlapped hangers or with plastics on them-.
Open the catalog to page 2All Tecnimusa catalogs and technical brochures
Automatic Case Erector
2 Pages