Catalog excerpts

The TechNexion Difference Faster Time-to-market Through Open Design System on Modules are designed to speed up and reduce the cost of development for embedded devices. But these benefits are only possible, if you have easy access to the source code, design guides and development start kits essential for building your device. All TechNexion’s SoMs come with open source code and binary images that are easily accessible, not hidden behind sign up pages or passwords. Open Source Software Open Hardware If you decide to create your own carrier board, it is crucial to be able to learn about your...
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EDM Series The EDM System on Module series is a multi-functional, highly integrated ARM SoM with best in class performance, low power consumption and both wired and wireless connectivity. Additionally, it follows the EDM standard, the first truly x86 and ARM compatible pin-to-pin standard, enabling support for a wide range of CPU architectures including power efficient aRm Cortex A7 all the way up to 64-bit multicore processor modules. Highly Customizable Range of Options Its' extremely wide choice of processing power, memory, and connectivity options means there is a version to meet your...
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Model Name Core System Signalling Architecture Processor PMIC Memory Storage Debug Interface Connectivity Network LAN Certified Wi-Fi Certified Bluetooth Signaling HDMI LVDS RGB TTL MIPI DSI MIPI CSI PCIe USB USB OTG I2S SATA SDIO CAN UART SPI I2C GPIO NXP i.MX6 Solo 1GHz NXP i.MX6 DualLite 1GHz NXP i.MX6 Dual 1GHz NXP i.MX6 Quad 1GHz NXP i.MX6 QuadPlus 1GHz NXP MMPF0100 eMMC/microSD (optional) JTAG Interface Single Channel / y y y y y y Dual/Quad only ^T y y y y y NAND Flash JTAG Interface 2x Gigabit LAN 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (optional) BT 4.1 (optional) 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (optional) BT 4.1...
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Model Name EDM2-IMX6 EDM-IMX8M Core System Signalling Architecture Processor PMIC Memory Storage Debug Interface Connectivity Network LAN Certified Wi-Fi Certified Bluetooth Signaling HDMI LVDS RGB TTL MIPI DSI MIPI CSI PCIe USB USB OTG I2S SATA SDIO CAN UART SPI I2C GPIO NXP i.MX6 Solo 1GHz NXP i.MX6 DualLite 1GHz NXP i.MX6 Dual 1GHz NXP i.MX6 Quad 1GHz NXP i.MX6 QuadPlus 1GHz NXP MMPF0100 NXP i.MX8M Dual 1.5GHz NXP i.MX8M QuadLite 1.5GHz NXP i.MX8M Quad 1.5GHz eMMC/microSD (optional) JTAG Interface JTAG Interface Dual Channel Mechanical Dimensions
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Model Name Core System Compatible SoM Expansion Interfaces mini-PCIe + SIM Internal Headers LVDS RGB TTL SATA GPIO I2C SPI UART CAN External Connectors HDMI Audio S/PDIF Gigabit LAN USB USB OTG Serial MicroSD Others Touch Connector Audio Codec Speaker Sensors RTC Power Input Power Connector Mechanical 1x CTIA 3.5mm audio jack 2W pre-amplified (stereo) 2W pre-amplified (stereo) 2-pin 5.08mm Terminal Block 2-pin 5.08mm Terminal Block
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Model Name Core System Compatible SoM Expansion Interfaces mini-PCIe + SIM Internal Headers LVDS RGBTTL Dual Channel Dual Channel External Connectors HDMI y y y y y y i Audio S/PDIF Gigabit LAN USB USB OTG Serial MicroSD Others Touch Connector Audio Codec Speaker Sensors RTC Power Input Power Connector Mechanical Dimensions ix CTIA 3.5mm audio jack 3x 3.5mm jack 1x S/PDIF (optical) 1x RS-232/422/485 ^T~ 1x (4-wire) SPI y 2W pre-amplified (stereo) y y 12V DC +/-5% 2-pin 5.08mm Terminal Block 147 x 102 mm 2019-02. All specifications are subject to chanae without notice.
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TechNexion Ltd. 16F-5, No. 736, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City,23511,Taiwan. Tel: +886-2-8227 3585 Fax: +886-2-8227 3590 E-mail: sales@technexion.com https://www.technexion.com
Open the catalog to page 8All TechNexion Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures
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TEK Series Box PC
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TEP Series Modules HMI
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