NA-jointing-sheet TEADIT NA-1005


Catalog excerpts

NA-jointing-sheet TEADIT NA-1005 - 1

Description: TEADIT style NA-1005 is a compressed non-asbestos jointing-sheet material produced from Aramid fibres, bonded with Nitrile Rubber (NBR). It is being manufactured by means of a hot calender process under rigorous quality control standards which are registered under ISO 9001 certification. Application / service: TEADIT style NA-1005 is indicated for air, brine, water, low pressure steam, organic and weak inorganic acids, diluted and concentrated alkalis, petroleum derivatives, synthetic and vegetable oils, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents, refrigerants, gases and chemical products in general. Typical physical properties: Test Properties ASTM F 146 Weight increase: ASTM oil/Nr.3, 5 h/300 °F (150 °C) ASTM Fuel B, 5 h/77 °F (25 °C) ASTM F 146 Thickness increase: ASTM oil/Nr. 3, 5 h/300 °F (1 50 °C) ASTM Fuel B, 5 h/77 °F (25 °C) ASTM F 152 Tensile strength, transverse DIN 52913 Residual Stress Density • Sheet size: 1 .500 x 1 .600 mm, 1 .500 x 3.200 mmTechnical data: • Peak temperature: +400 °C • Peak pressure: 1 1 0 bar • Constant working pressure: 50 bar • Color: blue (other colors on request) Temperature (°C) The P x T diagram above indicates the service limits for NA-1005 considering the simultaneous influence of pressure and temperature (chemical suitability assumed). The green area represents the normal service limits, while the orange colored area shows the maximum application limits. For those cases, please consult our technical department. Los parametros de aplicacion indicados en este folleto son tipicos. Para cada aplicacion especifica debera ser realizado un estudio independiente y una evaluation de compatibilidad. Consultenos con relacion a recomendaciones para aplicaciones especificas. Un error en la selection del producto mas adecuado o en su aplicacion puede resultar en danos materiaies y/o en serios riesgos personates, siendo que Teadit no se responsabiiiza por ei uso inadecuado de las informaciones constantes en ei presente foiieto, ni por imprudencia, negligencia o impericia en su utilization, coiocando sus tecnicos a disposition de ios consumidores para aciarar dudas y dar orientaciones adecuadas en relacion a aplicaciones especificas. Estas especificaciones estan sujetasa cambios sin previo aviso, siendo que esta edition substituye todas las anteriores TEADIT INT. - Rosenheimer Str. 10, 6330 Kufstein, AUSTRIA, Tel.: +43-5372-64020-0, Fax: +43-5372-64020-20,, TEADIT Deutschland - Schanzenstr. 35, 51 063 Cologne, GERMANY, Tel.: +49-221-922 342-0, Fax: +49-221-922 342-22,

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